
I stumbled across this randomly as I was reading Wikpedia, and I thought people might like it. It's by Kevin MacLeod of Incompetech. Attribution instructions copied from his FAQ.
Attribution Instructions:
If your project has only music from me in it; you can credit it as "Music: Kevin MacLeod".
If your project has many pieces from different people, you can credit me as "(name of the pieces of music you are using) Kevin MacLeod (".
If you'd like to include the full license for legal reasons, you can do the following: "Title Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0""

very nice tune :)
Nice. I may ue this. I've been trying to find something that fits a hockey app menu. We need more fun, competative, sporty tunes on OGA. Funk seems to come the closest.
it's lovely ^^, especially the guitar. It's perfect for the ending, an happy menu or something like that.