Gran Batalla
Gran Batalla
Friday, October 21, 2011 - 20:43
Art Type:

This is my first uploaded file, just a MP3 battle music called "Gran Batalla" (Great Battle) that I created a few years ago for a proyect never finished. Tell me if you like it and feel free to use it in your games. ;-D

Really nice beats, reminds me of old-school Wing Commaner Privateer combat music mix with jRPGs.
How do I credit you?
Very nice !!
Hello Silverforce!
For the credits, if you want, write my nick xXUnderTowerXx
Thanx for downloading the music! ^^
Hello loonebits!
Thanx for downloading my music and just enjoy it! I hope it has been helpful to you. ^^
Reminds me a lot to the final theme of Banjo & Kazooie!