I'll answer questions. :)
I'll answer questions. :)
In addition to being an art geek, a web geek, and a geek in general, I'm also a big programming geek with a fair amount of experience programming game engines. I'd be happy to answer any beginner programming questions you have, particularly pertaining to C, C++, PHP, and JavaScript. I can probably answer basic questions about other languages too. :)
wow. at last a programming sub-forum :)
I'm fairly fluent in Python (but unfortunately, that's about it). If there are any Python questions to which I don't know the answers, I'll try to learn them for you.
How can I use regular expressions in c++?
I have never used regular expressions in C++, but boost provide a regex module that seems solid.
Could u give me the link for this module? I haven't a fast connection, so looking for it would me take a lot of time...
Here's the main page: http://www.boost.org/
The regex library documentation is here: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_44_0/libs/regex/doc/html/index.html
I believe you download all of the boost libraries as a whole. I recommend looking through them, as there's some other nice stuff in there.
PCRE is a popular alternative for those who prefer C or easy binding to other languages.
EDIT: PCRE had C++ bindings made by Google in 2006 (pcrecpp) - they are now part of the distribution.
stop using the external libraries, start using C++0x! It has builtin regular expressions. MSVC++ supports them already, libstdc++ is working on it (it's the last big feature they're missing unfortunately)
Is it possible to have abstract template classes in C++ ? Something like this?
EDIT: I've talked with Philip` and peachykeen about this on IRC. The short answer is that it's not possible because of conflicting vtables and stuff. However, here's a workaround.