Instant Dungeon! v1.4 Art Pack

Instant Dungeon! v1.4 Art Pack

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Sprites, wall tiles, and other art used in Instant Dungeon! plus some misc. unused pieces.

This is an update which includes art from Instant Dungeon!'s big 'Greenlight Thank You!' update (v1.4).

This includes:

* 3 new boss monsters (blue dragon, stone giants and pumpkin master)

* 7 new dungeon monsters (Lizard Man, Werecobra, Pumpkin Demon, Cyclops, Stone Man, Kobold. Black Wraith)

* 10 new player characters (incl. female and bearded mage sprites)

Posting this as a new entry because I encountered several errors when trying to post as an update for the original.

Would love to see anything done with it, so be sure to post back if you find a use for it.



sharing Voytek and José's work their permission.  Just seemed easier to bundle it all into one submission than split it up.



Most of the preview snaps are just screen shots from the game, so they do include the game's fancy lighting effects.  Hope that's alright, just the easiest way for me to put together a preview image.  Bottom two images are sans lighting so you can see how the stuff looks flat.

File(s): 115.9 Kb [4794 download(s)]