Interesting observation? ("Korean" RPGs)

Interesting observation? ("Korean" RPGs)

ceninan's picture

It seems to me like a large portion of the many "free to play" RPGs in some cases have surprisingly decent art - but, either the programming, the interface or the gameplay kinda sucks. I made this observation more or less exclusively from Granado Espada (Sword of the new world), which have rather enjoyable music and good if stereotyped graphics. But something about the interface/gameplay turned me off enough to not want to play the game. Have you had similiar experiences?

I find it interesting that the traditionally "hard" part of making games seems to be in abundance in these games, but the other game parts are a bit lacking. So are artists not really a scarce resource, but simply hard to convince to join a project? From what I've seen from these kind of games, there is more need for good interface and gameplay designers than artists. Thoughts?

I do realize that the reason for this might be that they either didn't care or didn't think about it. I suppose that what I'm getting at is "What makes a good game?". Is it the art? The programming? Gameplay? The user interface? And which part has the least people able (or interested) in doing it well?