Izchak's Torches
Izchak's Torches
Izchak's torches, suitable for dungeons, caves even for castles and monastries.
We have been working with Tapio for several torches for his game. Finally I finished everything I wanted to do. There are four torches, wall mounted, swinging, hanging and standing. They are all low poly models, however, standing torch has a high poly version as well. For wall mounted and standing torches there are fire particle systems.
The end result is split into four packages. First one is the blend file, second contains GIMP files for textures. Third package contains obj files and textures. The last one is rendered images for isometric games (not totally sure about the camera positioning).
Modifiying hint: there are two scenes for compositing. Dont forget to modify the other as well. Compositing is used to add transparent shadows (couldn't find another way).

animated iso torch looks great !
Great models, thanks for making these!