Low Res 52 Cards Pack
Low Res 52 Cards Pack
Monday, July 28, 2014 - 17:12
Art Type:
This is 52 playing cards pack I made a while ago.
The cards are 13x20 pixel GIF files.

This is 52 playing cards pack I made a while ago.
The cards are 13x20 pixel GIF files.
Hey, these look pretty good! I'm doing something similar at the moment and was looking for how other people solved a few problems I've had. I'm extremely curious, where I would expect an "A" for "Ace" you have a "T". The only thing I can find is that Russia might call it "tuz". Are there real cards with "T"s on them?
Hi. I made this for Lithuanian game and Aces are called "Tuzas" in Lithuanian, similar to Russian "Tuz".