[LPC] 2 Characters

[LPC] 2 Characters


These characters were created for the Liberated Pixel Cup. The female one has a dress inspired by an Irish Dance dress + ghillies. The male one is just a collared shirt, tie/bowtie and vest.

They have all the base sprite animations completed, but I'm not a great artist, so they may feel a bit stiff.

Attribution Instructions: 
Attribute pennomi, laetissima and makrohn. Remember to also attribute the LPC base sprite artists, since this is a derivative work of those as well!
female_spritesheet.xcf female_spritesheet.xcf 652 Kb [994 download(s)]
male_spritesheet.xcf male_spritesheet.xcf 765.3 Kb [1179 download(s)]
irishdress.png irishdress.png 83 Kb [1637 download(s)]