[LPC] Colorful Sand + Deep Water!

[LPC] Colorful Sand + Deep Water!


The LPC assets have absolutely no snowlands. This makes the Stark inside me unable to say "Winter is coming" and be taken seriously. For that reason, I took Daneeklu's sand assets and painted them white.

Update: Cem Kalyoncu contributed some edited tilesets that makes the water look colder or even frozen-solid. Thanks Cem!

Update 2: Red Sand has been merged in this program.

Update 3: Daneeklu submitted deep water + shallow water! It's awesome.

Update 4: Deep Water+. Allows for slightly more interesting lakes.


Special thanks to Laura for the inspiration.

Laura: Why's there a desert in the North?
Me: Because we have no snow. It's not like I could just take the sand and paint it white.
Me: Or can I?

Attribution Instructions: 
Link back to the OpenGameArt website, and mention the LPC.
snow.png snow.png 8.2 Kb [1409 download(s)]
snowwater.png snowwater.png 9.1 Kb [1386 download(s)]
snowice.png snowice.png 8.8 Kb [1086 download(s)]
snowwateralt.png snowwateralt.png 8.7 Kb [1092 download(s)]
coldwater.png coldwater.png 7.8 Kb [1082 download(s)]
coldwatergrass.png coldwatergrass.png 9.7 Kb [1016 download(s)]
ice.png ice.png 7.9 Kb [1056 download(s)]
icegrass.png icegrass.png 9.8 Kb [1099 download(s)]
Winter tiles.7z Winter tiles.7z 45.7 Kb [1071 download(s)]
redsandwater.png redsandwater.png 9.2 Kb [910 download(s)]
redsand.png redsand.png 8.3 Kb [1070 download(s)]
deepwater.png deepwater.png 4.8 Kb [1079 download(s)]
deepwater2.png deepwater2.png 2.2 Kb [1017 download(s)]