LPC Combat Armor for women
LPC Combat Armor for women
Saturday, November 3, 2012 - 14:35
Art Type:
Working on generating combat armor for LPC women. Here's leather; use your choice of pants for now. I'll be working on the plate graphics next and then update this entry with them. As usual, they are all included in the Universal Sprite Sheet.
Weapons in the preview are Wulax's.
Attribution Instructions:
Adapted by Matthew Krohn from art created by Johannes Sjölund

Wow, these look awesome! Hope to see more armor for the ladies in the future!
nice work!
Updated with plate armor!
I revised most of the sprite sheets to animate better on 11/24/12. Make sure you're using the latest version of the LPC female sprite sheets with these.
amazing work
thanks a lot! This fills a big gap in the LPC art assets. We work on setting those sprites into use for Source of Tales now.
Thanks again!
It's a splendid job.
finally, i found it
On 11/9/2022. Makrohn gave permission to use OGA-BY for this submission. All artists who's works this was derived from have already added OGA-BY to the source works.
The license has been added to this submission.