LPC Dress in Combat Poses
LPC Dress in Combat Poses
Friday, November 2, 2012 - 20:00
Art Type:
I finally extrapolated the dress to all combat poses!
Attribution Instructions:
Walkcycle poses by Lanea Zimmerman (AKA Sharm), other poses by Matthew Krohn

Where were you during the LPC? Great job.
I don't think I was aware until I got recruited for the coding portion! I'm standing on the shoulders of giants, anyhow - if I'd tried any of this before the contest was over, it'd have been dreck.
I revised most of the sprite sheets to animate better on 11/24/12. Make sure you're using the latest version of the LPC female sprite sheets with these.
On 11/9/2022. Makrohn gave permission to use OGA-BY for this submission. All artists who's works this was derived from have already added OGA-BY to the source works.
The license has been added to this submission.