LPC Male Sheets
LPC Male Sheets
Thursday, November 1, 2012 - 06:57
Art Type:
Male orc (adapted from Wulax's spritesheet and Redshrike's Sinbad) and tanned/tanned2/dark recolors of Wulax's base spritesheet (based on MarMarcel's walkcycle recolors)
Attribution Instructions:
Walkcycle, Hurt, Slash, and Spellcast animations by Stephen Challener (AKA Redshrike),
Shooting and Thrusting animations by Johannes Sjölund,
Male and female orc heads by MadMarcel and based on Stephen Challener's Sinbad,
Tanned, Tanned2, and Dark colors by MadMarcel,
other credit to Matthew Krohn

Just a note: Sinbad was designed originally by Zi Ye. I just noticed that wasn't properly in my attribution instructions either. Not much of the design is left in this version, so it's probably not an issue. But yeah.
Hey Redshrike,
Love your work here, and I know it's like, 6 years since you posted this, but I just found an issue and thought I'd let you know... The orc walking animations don't have the single pixel head-bob that all other base body's have (which means helmets etc dont work with him).
I'd have a go at fixing it myself should I use him, but I just noticed it in passing.
I was wondering if anyone is still actively making new variations of this sprite. I need a mummy please. I'm programming a game in C++ just for fun but keep everyone's links and Licences with the files I download just in case I do something larger. But my game is missing a good mummy. My art skills are painfully grotess.
On 11/9/2022. Makrohn gave permission to use OGA-BY for this submission. All artists who's works this was derived from have already added OGA-BY to the source works.
The license has been added to this submission.