Medieval Church
Medieval Church
Sunday, November 23, 2014 - 23:23
Art Type:
This is a model of a medieval church made by Daniel Andersson for a medieval themed village. The file is in blend format and was released under the CC0 - Public Domain license.
You can find all his Medieval Themed Models in this collection available here.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
None required, but it would be nice if you could credit Daniel Andersson.

just a question about this. (because of zip size) is it modeled and textured on the inside?
iv just had a quick look in blender and from what i can tell the inside of the building isnt modelled/textured fully unfortunately :(
you could try to finish the inside off if you like and upload the improved version ? *hint* *hint* *nudge* *nudge* :P
Well im sure I can make it look pretty good inside and model up a base for its asthetics, such as pews and low poly models, alsobasic textures (im no good at texturing, my flaw)
my blender skills are pretty non existant :P
please post a link when you have finished/uploaded the model, i look forward to seeing it !
This building looked sooooo good on the outside, that I couldn't help but give it a full interior. I'm pretty new with Blender, so it took several days, but I got it in the end.
You can see the majestic high ceilings, views of the sky through the windows, benches and interactable doors, full interior library, and NPCs in the video below.
I've included this asset in the AnyRPG Engine. Its been featured in a YouTube livestream at and you've been added to both the in-engine credits, and the credits at