Need donations for a 3D character commission
Need donations for a 3D character commission
I was recently contacted by a 3D artist who would like to sell the community the models in the attached picture for a total of $220 ($130 for the executioner and $90 for the lizardman). I have the .blend files in my possession for previewing purposes, and I can verify that both of these models are rigged and ready to go. Also, given what I know about 3D art, I would normally expect to pay a good deal more for models of this quality.
Unfortunately my budget is really tight this month due to some family circumstances, so I can't just purchase it myself, and all of donated commission money has already been allocated to other commissions. So, what I'd like to do is see if people will be willing to donate money to pay to liberate some existing art. I'm going to change the donation goal for the month to $220, at which point we will purchase both models. If we don't reach this by the end of December, I'll just continue the donation drive into January, and so on.
I'd be interested to hear peoples' thoughts on this process. If it turns out to be a good way to raise commission money, we may do it again in the future.
Note: If we can manage to raise the funds in the next two weeks, he'll also include the nude version of the executioner model (as seen in the last image).
Click for full size (now with wireframes):
I took a look at the .blends and they are quite high quality.
They should be useful in several games. The Summoning Wars and Dungeon Hack crews should take a look and see if these will work for them.
I plan to donate a big chunk. I'd definitely put these to use in OSARE.
Also JCRPG, Peragro Tempus, Radakan, and Scourge could make use of these. They would be a valuable addition.
If I was not so perpetually broke I would pay for them myself... maybe next year, eh? *sigh*
Can you post wires?
pfunked, can you tell me how to get wireframes from these? :)
BartK, with the mouse cursor over the 3D view, hit Z a couple times to show wireframe mode.
Thanks :)
@adrix89: The deed is done. :)