News Jingle
News Jingle
Wednesday, March 13, 2013 - 09:55
Art Type:

A news jingle with a strong opening and a softer looped section meant to be played more quietly in the background while the speaker reads the news. The full version is about 2 minutes long, but should anyone need an even longer one, just ask.
Attribution Instructions:
Not being the only copyc4t around (nomen, omen!) please write it all lowercase and add either my real name (Paolo D'Emilio) or specify "from OpenGameArt", "from Freesound", or "from SoundCloud". Even better by linking any of those profiles directly:

The ending reminds me of UT99 music a bit, maybe Go Down? :)
What software did you make this with then?
OMG It's very similar indeed! I swear I had never heard that one :)
I made this jingle in LMMS, and all the sounds but one are from a soundfont, ChoriumRevA, the exception being a built-in Supernova organ-like sound.
Thanks for appreciating it :)
You can also upload the .lmms in a zip, if you feel like sharing it.
yd for example does that with many of their lmms creations.
Good idea, thanks for the suggestion! I've added the zipped LMMS project :)
I didn't include the soundfont but that one is freely available on the net, and it's also GM/GS compliant.