The Orange Engine - tech demo video 2
The Orange Engine - tech demo video 2
Sound is broken on my video capture, but works in the engine. It's unfortunate, too... the video would be a lot more impressive if it weren't silent.
Next up is the battle system. I'll be aiming for something Dragon-Quest-esque (say that 5 times fast), since that seems easiest at the moment. Once the tech demo is complete, I'll probably want to go back and completely revamp the interface into something a lot more modern and usable, but what I have now is enough to get the point across. :)
Oh, I thought you just didnt have sounds yet. D: You know I would be more impressed seeing the game in action with sounds as well lol.
Brandon Morris,
Steam Group:
If you guys need any help on projects email me Pay is not mandatory and Im open.