Recall of the Shadows
Recall of the Shadows
Wednesday, July 18, 2012 - 18:02
Art Type:

A reinterpretation of the hangar music from Raptor: Call of the Shadows, extrapolating a bit from the original 26 second loop to increase its energy while hopefully still retaining its dark undertones. For general use, it could be used in any "light versus dark" sort of tense scenario, or perhaps a prelude to a bad dream.
The "normal" version is represented by the preview, though there's also an alternate version using CZ synth string for those who may prefer that sound over the piano.
Attribution Instructions:
While you definitely don't have to, I'd be grateful if you let me know of any project you decide to use it in. That's more encouragement to me to make more stuff!

Hey FoxSynergy I would love to use this in my iOS game, Particle Boy. I plan on using it when the player uses a certain long lasting spell.
Would this be okay. I will add your song title to my credits page, where it will also be a link back to your main page unless you want me to link it elsewhere, it will also say by FoxSynergy unless you want me to use your real name or something.
Let me know if thats okay! And keep up the good work dude this song is amazing!
Thanks, I'd be honored! You never need to ask to use any of my stuff but I really appreciate you letting me know about it. I'd love to see more about your project too! Your suggestions are fine and I'm really, really glad you like it! ^_^
I love this track!
The real-piano (sorry, I have no clue what I'm talking about) feels out of place to me presonally.
How did you make the track? If it's a tracker song, it'd be cool if you uploaded the tracker file!
Glad you like! The original that inspired it had some uncharacteristically high tones, which I substituted the piano for, then I brought in other instruments to bridge the gap there and added more to boost the undertone as it went on. Hopefully that had the desired effect.
This track was done on Pocketband which (sometimes inconveniently) keeps its source material serverside. A free version is available under the Play Store on Android and with it you can view the whole sequence at the track's original page here:
Hope that helps, and thanks for your insights!
Also, if you're interested in using a variant of the track you're welcome to remix it from the source above or I could swap something in for the piano if you'd like a tweaked version. Options are great to have!
Hey I finally got around to making a video :D
Your song goes along to the "bouncer" long lasting spell
Heres a link to a forumn post of you want to stay informed on my game
That looks like a blast -- thanks for letting me see it in context! I already have you bookmarked, and will keep an eye on this fun project.
Totally using this song in a flash game, and I just uploaded the first alpha version. You can play it right over here. I'm probably going to use a couple of your other songs in this game and/or others, because they're so well done and they really fit the sort of mood I'm going for. Thanks so much for deciding to release your music with a CC license ^^.
Just wanted to let you know as a courtesy that my team and I intend to use this song and another of your songs (Crystal Caves) as the background music for various levels in our flash platformer project. While we don't have an available copy to show you right now, we can make sure to forward a link to you if you're interested as soon as possible.
You make wonderful music, friend. Thanks for keeping people like us in business!
John Colburn, thanks! I'm really honored that you like it and you're always welcome to use anything I put here any time. I'm looking forward to checking out your game as soon as I get a chance -- and thanks so much for your support! Also, if you have any particular sorts of things you're after you can always let me know and I'll see if I can make something to fit.
Really glad you like that one, Zynathias! I'm working on an update to Crystal Caves which has a gentle, wandering bass line. I'll put it up there when it's done in case it might be of use to you. I really enjoy doing this and knowing you're getting some use out of the work makes it even more fun. I'm definitely interested in your project and if you have any particular requests I'll be glad to see what I can do about helping out. Coders and developers like you have the hard work, after all!
Zynathias, in case it may be of some use to you I just uploaded an update to Crystal Caves with some reverb tweaks and vibraphone midtones. Have a great one!
I want to use your music in a free educational game to publish in
Thanks, asalinasci! I'm really glad you feel it will fit with your project, and I'd love to see more about what you're working on when you're ready to share it. :)
Hi Fox, I really like this tune, is there a version where you swapped out the piano? I am thinking of using this tune for my Android shooter game.
Update : Thanks very much Fox, I got the casio synth version!
azzurri1980, I'm really glad you like the track! I made an alternate version which uses CZ synth string rather than piano, so it all has a more "pure electronic" feel. I'll put that up here in just a moment. Also, if there's a particular tweak or instrument that might make it go better for your project, don't hesitate to let me know and I'll see what I can do. And again, thanks!
Added an alternate version using CZ synth string for those who may prefer that sound over the piano.
Thank you for making your excellent music freely available for us to use FoxSynergy! If you have an android device you can check out a game I made featuring your music here - :)
TheInvader360 - Thanks for all your support! Ah, Zombie Survival is fun and completely hilarious! As a bonus it looks like it'll run even on my EEE PC with Android x86. I'm not sure how you did it but I can't put this down -- it's great! Yummy yummy brains!
This song is awesome! I'm going to use it as the outro for my new podcast show. I love it! You can check out my show here: (first episode doesn't have your song).
Keep making cool music!
Thanks, stegnersaurus! I was just getting ready to load up some podcasts for today's workload, so I'll be sure to check it out! ^_^
Hey FoxSynergy! I was looking for a boss theme for my game "Immortality's Curse" and this is perfect! The boss is a fox too! :P
Awesomely awesome that you like it, Isaac_MBP! I hope the boss isn't *too* nasty. We have to look out for our reputations. =^.^=
Nice music
Hi , I just wanted to tell you that I used your song in my game "abandoned" ( )
Thanks for making this amazing song , keep up the great work
Thank you so much for this great song. I use it in the Level 5 of my game: Red Cap Zombie Hunter
I've added a link to this page in the game credits.