The Return of Martha Stewart
The Return of Martha Stewart
Sunday, October 6, 2013 - 09:58
Art Type:

This is one of the first ever pieces of electronic music I wrote, it was intended for a game that never saw the light of day.
Attribution Instructions:
To download, right click the file underneath 'File(s)' and click 'save link as'. Please credit me as 'Joe Reynolds - Professorlamp' Refer people to my website at - Thank you

This is really good. Also funny title.
Thanks :D
My titles generally have no meaning and are just any random thing I can think of. Hence the majority of my song names
Nice I really like this. Inspiring.
Glad I inspired you :D
I used this for my sample game with my blog post on iOS 7 Sprite Kit: I link to it as well.
Thank you very much :D
I'd love to see the game in action!
Martha Stewart would be a frightening final boss for a crafts and/or cooking game.
Combined with the ominous battle atmosphere of this song, I think I'm going to have nightmares about this. LOL
LOL THAT TITLE.. she is hardcore for real LOL so funny! Are you a writer?
I'm a musician but definitely not an author of an kind, haha