Tools and other items
Tools and other items
Monday, July 4, 2011 - 07:23
Art Type:
9 contains 17 icons for items, including the six tools shown on the preview.
template.xcf contains all you need to make your own images in the same style. Just use this tiny guide (Using Gimp):
- Make a picture of the item.
- Remove the background of the picture and paste it in template .xcf between the Light and background.
- (Optional) Make shadow.
- Make a duplicate of the new layer, below the original one.
- Make it black. (Colors -> Brightness contrast)
- Blur it (Filters -> Blur -> Gausian blur) with a raduis arround 12
- (Optional) Save your work
- Merge all layers
- Scale it to 64 * 64 and export it as jpg
- (Optional) Upload it to