Track Tiles
Track Tiles
Friday, July 22, 2011 - 09:10
Art Type:
Some track tiles for topdown racing games, perfect for test purpose I hope.

Some track tiles for topdown racing games, perfect for test purpose I hope.
Nice !!!! Ill try to add some more stuff like trees and tires perhaps some kind of road elevations : ))
WTF ... I can't download the file , pls add diferent extensions ...
What happens when you try to download the file? does it open in the browser, if so, just right click and choose save as. As for the extension you should try Inkscape.
I can ofcourse make some PNG version but that would limit the usabillity, as you can no longer scale the pieces to any size you want.
That above was me. I was in a rush adding the file, I think i need to separate.
Sorry, but I missed the reply button.
Just make a .png since People ho actually want to resize will dowload the .svg file ... as for the rest of us (lazy bums) will just grab the .png
Btw thx for the contribution and this is just a suggestion so its up to you to add a pmg or not.
svg should open just fine in firefox. Also, for long term usabillity I think its better to have a svg then a png. Make a png from it is just an easy task to do.
I'm still not sure how I should go about making png's, or if I should split each tile into a seperate file.
Made a new track with these, the Tranberry Raceway :P
Took some fiddling to get ends to join some places.
Also: maybe remove white rectangles in the middle? These marking do not belong on a racing track and they mess with perception of scale - if you want the track to be wide, these rectangles also become wide and then the cars look tiny.
Could have used a straight piece with wide borders, where there isn't enough space to place two pieces with widening/narrowing borders in between bends.
Great input domasx2! Exactly what I need, feedback. Will do as you said and remove the divider.