Weapon icons
Weapon icons
Sunday, March 27, 2011 - 05:49
Art Type:
Some 256x256 icons I made from the following weapon packs created by Clint Belanger and p0ss :
- http://opengameart.org/content/kingdom-weapon-set
- http://opengameart.org/content/undead-weapon-set-and-weapon-rack
- http://opengameart.org/content/wooden-weapon-training-set
These icons can be resized down to 32x32 px.
To create each icon, I did the following with gimp:
- Rotate the rendered weapon
- Select by color (with a 0.0 treshold) -> click on grey outside the weapon
- Suppr, then invert selection (ctrl i)
- Selection -> grow -> 10 px
- Create a new layer, put it in the backgroud, fill with yellow
- Gaussian blur (10px) + 50% transparancy for this layer
- Create a third layer, put it in the background and fill it with black

I have to say that the glow sometimes makes it harder to see the weapon.
It might be better to have a black glow and then the colored glow behind it
The shadow on the objects also makes this border-defining-dark-shadow inconsistent
A nice use of the models though!
You're right, yellow is not the best color with wooden weapons. Thanks for the feed back, I'll try to correct that next time !
Nice that you wrote the steps needed to do it.