Seeing how this was the first site I announced my project was looking for help back in Jan, and has always been a great source of content when I needed to prototype functions out. I thought it would be the first I updated on progress.
We are 8 days away from showing off the prototype on our youtube channel (
This will show of the Avatar Creation Code that will make the Avatars one can play with, the Random Dungeon Generation, a tool in which we create the banters that will flow between party members, and how one goes about learning Magic spells....4 of the concepts that will be expanded on during the next phase which will be creating the Alpha stage.
Website is almost completed, some touch ups and grpahics still need to be implemented, Twitter and Facebook Page set up for any of ya who want to follow.
John C Leutz II
Facebook Page :
Twitter : @Anathon_rpg
Thanks for being a great community devoted to us Indie Developers.