Asset Wish List

Asset Wish List

It would be great to have a 'wish list' for assets, where a user can list what kind of asset they're looking for (ex: sprites), specify any technical or artistic requirements (ex: isometric, dawnbringer palette, CC-BY-SA license), upload images of examples (or link to) pre-existing things that fit the style / desired design asthetic, and also add tags for the 'wish'. A comment section should be provided for both the wisher to use and also for other people to leave feedback on the wish idea.

Additionally, offer a way for an uploader to potentially 'fufill' or grant the wish, directly from a user's wish list page (or by specifying a 'wish ID' during upload). Then, when a new asset upload meets those requirements (the title matches, it's in the right category and/or contains that tag), the "wisher" would be notified (either by an on-site message, or optionally via email).

It might be good to be able to vote on or otherwise rank each wish for ohers to indicate that they'd like to see that asset too (or down-vote to indicate that it's a bad idea, or that something suitable already exists), with the most sought after (highest-ranked) ones appearing on a special 'top wishes' page for all to see, and to serve as a way for other artists to see what is in 'high demand'.

This would be a great way to see what kind of assets are missing or lacking on OGA, and might be a fun way to try out something new if other artists want some ideas for stuff to work on and want to help someone else out. Ideally this would be integrated into the 'medals' or 'achievements' system to gamify the whole process.

What do you guys think?