bluecarrot16's WIP LPC tilesets/collections
bluecarrot16's WIP LPC tilesets/collections
Hi all,
I've had a lot of LPC tilesets in various states of flux on my hard drive for a long time now. I've realized it takes me probably too long to get them out there, so I was inspired by Zabin to start this thread and post some of my WIP tilesets. Hopefully I can get feedback and prioritize sets to finish. I know AntumDeluge is working on converting a lot of assets for Stendhal, so hopefully I can also try to target things I'm already working on to his needs.
My interest (for some reason) is in creating thematic compilations of related assets, then filling in the gaps with similar-styled art, or remixing pieces that are already included. For this reason, all the images in this thread likely include multiple other contributors work, and should not be used until I have had a chance to properly attribute them. Don't download images from this thread and use them!
With that out of the way, I'd be happy to get your feedback and suggestions :) First images to come shortly...
Potentially! Can you say a little more about what you're interested in?
So far I just pilfered/slightly adapted things from here , but they're more brick than stone. I could include darker recolors of some of the existing brick/stone walls, which may be more suitable for dungeons.
I have some very rough WIP walls I was working on before that were intended to be more for houses/outside.
I'll also look at some of the cobblestones in here , some could probably have the shading adjusted a bit to work as walls.
I was thinking of some walls to match your castles megapack, as well as some cobble walls for cellars and dark rough brick walls for dungeons, and perhaps gray recolors of those white brick walls.
Yeah, it would be awesome to have some of those bricks as walls.
That cobblestone wall prototype looks great by the way! :)
Unfortunately, I can't afford to commission anything however. :(
Oh, no problem---I wasn't trying to fish for commissions, just looking for more inspiration/ideas :p I can definitely add those!
Awesome, thanks for being such a cornerstone of the LPC community! :)
I see what you did there...
Ha ha! Pun unintended! :)
Update on the interiors: added a row of stone and "dungeon-y" walls, at the request of FiveBrosStopMosYT. Also constructed a few example rooms, of varying levels of quality/cohesion...
Overall, I'm feeling pretty happy with the "ceiling" trim tiles (top part of the walls) and most of the walls. The floors... less so. I feel like a lot of the recolors don't really work well with other objects, or just look kind of terrible (the pale green rugs, all the yellow stuff). I also could probably lose some of the wood floor tiles that just aren't working.
I probably need to try these with some sample furniture (and maybe characters too), but that seems like a big project... :p Should probably just post this as version 1 and continue to iterate...
Continuing the tree theme from the other day, I've been slowly re-working the trees from the Trees pack here . There's still a lot to do, but I think many of the trees are way improved. The shading and texturing is much more consistent, and I'm working on getting the lighting sources right and the remaining textures fixed.
Still heavily debating whether Jetrel/Zabin's trees from here make the cut. I think they were made stylistically closer by crushing one end of the color ramp and making some light edits... but they still look pretty different, and harmonizing them with the base trees might require essentially re-drawing them...
Wow! Can't wait for the full release so I can play around with those walls. They look great! :)
Also, I'd recomend keeping all the trees in your trees pack, even if they don't mesh perfectly, so people have the option to use them.
Hey bluecarrot. I was interested in trees, and it occured to me that perhaps a tree tileset exists that would let you build big, real-looking trees but with a limited set of tiles. I think it's an interesting problem, so I had a go, and made this trunk and branch set.
It's very rough, as you can see, it's just there to show the structure; I think you'd use it by layering leaf blobs over and under one or two layers of wood. It's very different to how LPC trees look today, but I do think your new stuff is tending to more realistic rather than the quite abstract look of a zelda clone.
Is it worth doing some more work on, do you think?
Hey! Very cool idea, I'd love to see it explored more!
I think the major challenge would be creating a flexible enough set of tiles to render the tree in pseudo-3D. The branching structures you showed are all flat---flat branches aren't too hard to draw by hand. On the other hand, a tileset to make (pseudo)-3D branches would probably be pretty complicated, maybe more complicated than just drawing a variety of trees by hand :p
The same problem exists for the leaf clusters, and it's why I kind of abandoned trying to make leaves for procedural trees. Although I'd still love to see someone try that :) Somebody with a better grasp of graphics and procedural generation algorithms [than me]...
Re-organized walls and floors one more time... Send help...
But don't worry, I haven't been entirely stuck inside; I've been out sailing the high seas a bit with castelonia!
Wow! Can't wait to get my hooks on these! :)
Floors and Walls are finally posted!
We are doing some fancier jackets for the pirates next!
Awesome! :)
Smelters and blacksmith's workshop? Needs anvils, more hammers, lots of tongs, crucibles, etc. May also do a bigger hearth.
Oh wow! Looks good! Are the two doors on the second furnace able to open independantly?
Yes! All the door animations are independent of the burning/smoldering animations.
Awesome! I already have ideas for how to use this! :)
--Medicine Storm
Update: bigger hearth, anvils, some other tools. I'm going to do some more variations/combinations of the tools, racks for the walls, etc. Maybe some racks of swords, spears, shields, etc.
What else does it need?
Here's some ideas: the one thing that really seems to be missing is a quenching station, where the forged items are cooled in water, something like a cauldron with a steam burst animation would work. If i'm really going to go all in, maybe a red hot ingot that can fit on the anvil and has animations as it's hammered into a sword?
Quenching station is a great idea! I will definitely add that.
I really love the idea of a sword being forged. But that would probably require a hammering animation ;) I could try and make this one work , but I would really like to do the hammer swing properly, which is more work... Hmmm...
Ok, awesome! As for the hammering, it would work welll even with no player animation, just to signal it's in use. Also, unless you change all of the clothing for the LPC characters, a new player animation is pretty impractical. Looking at the gifs of the smash animation, would it be possible to use less frames and angle the hammer to make the blow cleaner? Either way, I can't wait to see the final result. :)
Ps. I'll be busy the next few days, so I probably won't have time to respond this week.
OK, so I was convinced by FiveBrosStopMosYT, and I hacked together a simple hammering animation. Derived from pvigier/Reemax's warhammer animation here . I think it actually works fairly well. I used 4 frames of animation, frames 6, 5, 2, 1 of the "slash" animation. (This means it would fit all existing bases, the animation is just played out-of-order). I re-drew frames 5 and 2 to add motion blur. How does it look?
As an aside, this little experiment makes me convinced that much better "smash" animations could be achieved for the axe and pickaxe, just by drawing 2-3 frames of animation per direction with motion blur, plus some very simple "impact" effects.
Can you share your experiment? :)
Oh! Looks awesome bluecarrot16!
Indeed it looks awesome! It would be nice if you can submit the sheets with the motion blur and the impact effect, I could add it to the generator including the new animation frames sequence
So you're the one behind the generator? I was wondering who it was. I recently made some spear recolors here (first comment) and thought they would work great in it. :)
Thanks! Calm down, here it is---it's really not much, and I only edited the west-facing animation. Animation order is (1-based) frames 6, 5, 2, 1. Derived from Reemax and pvigier's smash weapons here , same licenses.
Sure I can add those to the generator! Will do that later today :) ->Done!
I maintain the fork indeed, but the original work done was the real effort I guess..
Cool Bluecarrot! Let me find a way to add this to the generator and maybe we can apply this to other smash weapons as well :)
Awesome! I'm probably going to do some more recolors of items in the future, seeing as that's as far as my pixel art skills go. :)
Hi there! With Bluecarrots experiment on the animation for the smash, I added that animation variant now as well to the generator. "Smash" consists of frames [5,4,1,0].
It inspired me to add the possibility to the generator as well to define your own custom frame-sequence. In the edit field you can add your sequence of numbers, comma-separated. Then reselect the animation of choice, and there you go. I hope it is handy for some of you!
Finally, Bluecarrot can you share the smash sheet for the hammer, but then in universal format so that I can add it to the generator, in order to have a proper smash-compatible weapon :)
I can separate out the "slash" sheet from the walkcycle, and put the walkcycle in the "universal" format, but the smash animation itself is oversized (128x128px), so it won't fit in the "universal" format. It will have to be a separate oversized animation, like slash or thrust.
I'd like to polish this animation a little more, make a north- and west-facing version (I don't think south-facing will really work for this animation, based on how the character's arm moves), etc. I also would like to make a less-square hammer. This was just sort of a proof of concept :)
Big pack of new hairstyles incoming... just struggling to figure out how to make a better preview.
Other contributors: ElizaWy, Nila122, Fabzy, thecilekli, Mandi Paugh, Skorpio, kcilds/Rocetti/Eredah, Yamilian, Emilio J. Sanchez-Sierra, Radomir Dopieralski, Stephen Challener (Redshrike), and William.Thompsonj.
Special shout-out to ElizaWy, who shared complete designs which I just re-colored and adapted to the male base. A few other styles e.g. from thecilekli are only lightly modified or re-shaded.
Style names (top-to-bottom):
Colors (left-to-right, mostly):
All styles include all animations and full sheets for male and female bases, in 32 recolors.
Everything is in alphabetical order rather than some kind of logical order because I'm bad at ImageMagick and bash. A few images are out of order in the preview for reasons I don't understand.
Style names are a little weird, in most cases I used the name of the character the style was taken from as a placeholder (e.g. Puck, Betty, etc.), but a more descriptive name would probably be better. I'd welcome suggestions, otherwise I will probably perseverate on this trivial issue of naming for a long time and delay submission.
not sure if your done with the fruit or if these would even be different enough but near where I live they usually sell plums and nectarines. also they sell nearby a tiny orange called a clementine. You have such a good variety I might have missed it if you have them alrerady.
Yeah, I have peaches, plums, and mandarins/clementines/tangerines! See ; in the preview image, 6th row, columns 11, 13, 14. If you download the submission and open the CREDITS-food.txt file, there's a list of all the items, in the order they appear. There are even peach, orange and plum trees here:
I didn't end up making nectarines because I didn't think they looked distinct enough from peaches/apricots/oranges/apples.
I made almost all of the fruits/vegetables I could think of, and the remainder were starting to get kind of obscure (indian gooseberry, quince) or hard to distinguish from existing objects (nectarine, savoy cabbage). But I could be persuaded to go back :p
Those hairstyles are so freaking cool!
I definitely see a Goku and a Vegeta hairstyle there (Dragonball Z, I guess you know them?) around row 32. And the flat tops to me appear like Guile from street fighter.. The cowlick tail looks more futuristic/ alien or something to me.. But most others are just hairstyles to me:)
In order to give them all a proper name.. I think only a professional hairdresser will be capable of that:P And once you did, I am wondering who will know what is meant by the coupe "halfmessy". I actually have that same experience already with the current hairstyles in the generator. Longhawk, shorthawk, mohawk. I had no clue what those were but at this moment in time, I just learned it by experience using the generator many times.
To make my point: I think it is unfair to not submit these jewels until you found the proper names;) People will click through them anyway to find the style they like to use for their character.
I hope I convinced you, this is awesome as always.
Haha, thanks. Those styles are Fabzy's designs from here . For trademark purposes, let's just say the resemblance is purely coincidental ;-)
Sigh, you are probably right... but I just... want better names!
Ooh, I cant wait to get my hands on some of those, Bluecarrot!
The hairstyle on row 3 will fit exellently with medieval style games, and several of the female hairstyles look really oriental, and would work well with the asian assets that already exist with LPC.
@Castleonia: Do I sense a Herodom cosmetics update in the wind? :)
Giant pirate character pack incoming in just a few days :) New shirts, vests, pirate coats, hook hands and peg legs, cravats and jabots, tons of pirate hats, and various other goodies. Useful for everything from deckhands to admirals to Edward Thatch himself! Fully incorporated into the LPC character creator.
Avast! These be awesome, perchance that the fine ship ye showed us landlubbers a while back will be sailing with it, captain?
No, sadly. That ship was based on old sprites from TheManaWorld, which we discovered were GPL v2 only, and I don't have a way to contact the original authors... if GPL v2 is the only licensing option, castelonia is unable to use it in his game, and I'd rather not dedicate more time to it since it's kind of a licensing dead end. I can upload the GPL v2 ship in whatever state it's in, in case that is useful to someone.
We are planning to do a new LPC ship from the ground up, but that is still in the early planning stages at the moment.
Yeah, I'm sure someone woud be able to use them, and it would be a shame if it just ended up on the cuttingroom floor. :)
What were the stipulations of GPL v2 that prevented castlonia from using them?
GPL makes it hard to work with anything other than GPL. That includes game engine license, sometimes.
--Medicine Storm
Ongoing legal ambiguity about whether using GPL artwork triggers the GPL linking requirement, mandating the game code be made available under GPL. Certainly use of GPL art in non-FOSS software seems counter to the spirit of the GPL.
In general, if I'm going to invest a lot of effort in a big tileset, nowadays I'd rather just make it from scratch and have complete control over the licensing.
@FiveBrosStopMosYT Definitely! And the pirates will also be covered in a short new storyline :)
Indeed the ship is a better to built from scratch given the license issues with the other existing one. Moreover, Bluecarrot16 will definitely make the best pirate ships with all the freedom starting from scratch, that I know for sure :)