Bugs and oddities in the world of flare-game
Bugs and oddities in the world of flare-game
Hi, I have playtested flare-game (or however the “default” game is called) until I discovered (I think) everything. A few bugs and oddities came to my attention.
Ice hall:
There are four “skeleton” chambers at the end of the level which are initially closed. If walk past the first two ones, the chambers will open, releasing the skeletons. However, it is possible to attack (both melee and ranged) the first 2 skeletons while
Caves (layer/level 1):e The attacked merchant thanks you, gives you the money and lets you trade in the moment you touch him, even before you killed all the goblins.
Averguard - academy:
There is a lone treasure chest on a pillar at the abyss at the bottom of the map. It is not possible to reach it by walking, but you can teleport to it. I reached it by teleporting but the chest was empty. :-( I used 3 (!) skill points only to reach this chest!
Averguard - temple:
You need some quest item (I forgot its name) to open the temple door. After I finished the quest and re-entered the room later, I noticed my quest item was gone. I suppose (!) the way this room is designed can potentionally make it impossible to finish the quest. Here`s how:
1. Enter room with quest item
2. Open temple door with quest item
3. Without finishing the quest, leave the room
4. Enter the room again
I suppose you now stand before a shut temple door with your quest item gone for good.
HOWEVER, I have not tested this.