Change Default For Tags Search

Change Default For Tags Search

Deathsbreed's picture

I'm a regular in our IRC channel (#opengameart) and I've noticed lots of newcomers asking about finding new art on OGA. The main issue is that they specify multiple tags and then the search results with nothing (or just two things). Reason for this is that they did not change the "Is all of" field to "Is one of". This is something that even I forget often, and I do not understand why by default it is set to "Is all of". I would personally suggest to either set this field to "Is one of" by default or make it much more visible/noticeable to the user.

Another issue tends to be from people who are not native English speakers who get confused by some of the fields, in which case I would like to know if there are any plans on making OGA multilingual. If there is an attempt I am willing to aid in Spanish and Japanese translations. I would also suggest that the files used for the translations be put in a git repo so that they are publically accessable and people can contribute to them.

Just my two cents.

Happy hacking!