[CLOSED] Give me something to draw!
[CLOSED] Give me something to draw!
So I have little to do tonight and I have no motivation for making games right now..... so this is pretty much whatr the title says, if you have an art request which isn't a major project, feel free to suggest it to me, and I'll see if I can help you. I intend for the stuff I make in this thread to be uploaded to OGA, so keep that in mind ^^
I do mainly 2D and music ^^
I will only keep this offer open for a few days at most ~
Could you produce a Low Poly Ice Age landscape?
Well, I said I did 2D and music, and you're requesting for something 3D :P
No, low poly in 2D I am in need of a title screen. Like something below obvs it won't have that much details xD. If you can't don't worry no issues.
I don't have any ideas but OGA could use some more 2D (animated) characters. We have plenty of tiles but not a lot of characters to run along them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@glimmervoid it's a faily big project, so it wil need some time but maybe, I think I will start by taking Kuranyem's request though beacuse it's more straight forward...
@Kuranyem I would love to do characters, but I just don't have any ideas for any right now, also, should they be pixelart of not?
No idea. I like to say "you're the artist, just draw what you want".
Incidentally I also really like your snes musics :p (I did plan to use your "play the snes again" one with https://opengameart.org/content/hero-spritesheets-ars-notoria and make some kind of platformer but couldn't find good backgrounds/enemies to go with the snes-like/mecha/apo theme)
Well, I can try and make some SNES style DB32 characters for sure!
Kinda lacking ideas for what but I can of course just make some kung fu guys or something ^^
or people wearing cat masks.
When people think of the snes they usually think of contra-ish characters, explosions, robots, that kind of settings. That is, when they don't think of the rpgs. It's kind of amusing how the mood for both themes is usually so different.
If you don't know what to do you can try making stuff that you think will go with your musics? Since you can do both.
Hmm I had kinda imagined a military theme for my snes music actually.
Maybe some evil dictator army!
Well, I'm mainly giving suggestions if you really are bored.
If you can get a commission I'd suggest you to go for that instead though. (that's what I usually say to my artist friend too)
Fishing mini game stuff! Pixelart bobbers, lures, hooks, bait, splashes, sound effects too! :)
--Medicine Storm
yes of course I will prioritize commissions first always, but I haven't had that many lately.
good idea too @medicineStorm, we'll see how much time I've left after doing a couple of SNES characters.
here are 2 characters that I came up with, it's of course still not much....
spring could you modify the base LPC Character anamaitions to include Male and Female Lizarad , Male and Female Elf, male and female Org, Male and female human, Eating, picking things up, and throwing thigs anamations (I only need them for one color)? I would even be willing to pay you a small fee.
I'll have a look at it!
Can you link me to the animations you want modified?
i would like ones similar to these modified I will send you the actual sheets though if you want to do it. Also if you could keep the redrawing to a minimum so that most of the the armor assets will still fit . I realise for picking things up that may not be possible
To be honest, I'm not sure about how this armour thing is supposed to work.
play around with this and you'll see how the armor works http://gaurav.munjal.us/Universal-LPC-Spritesheet-Character-Generator/#
ah yes, as far as I can see, adding extra animations would also mean that all the clothing and armor has to be appended too in order to make it fit correctly over the characters.
that's a pretty huge task, sorry but that's just too much for me right now :p unless you have it figured out a different way?
I do not wish for all clothing armor be refitted or any of it by you. infact I'm using very little of what is avaiale as far as armor and clothing options go. Most of the armor I will try append myself as it seems to be just making more parts of the armor transparent or moving parts to a new location. Alot of the armor hats , vests , legs is the same for each direction in most anamations and never really changes.
Hello, are you still taking requests? I need a 2d octopus (sideview) head/body. And I need straight up going tentacle separately (if it had a small slithering animation that would be great). Is this something you are able to do?
@stilll, it's a very large amount of animations, and I'm not too comfortable with LPC style, so I don't really know about it.
@izzotul yours will be the last request I take.
How do you need that octopus too look, I understand that the head should be seperate from the tentacles but should it be a pxel art drawing or more like a cartoon?
This has closed for now, sorry I can't fulfill every request :p
@medicinestorm I will also take a look at your fishing stuff sometime.
I'm just not too sure what kind of game you are imagining with it.
Hey Spring, thanks for taking my request. I'm looking for a clean cartoon style for the octopus and the tentacle. I have a gif to show how the boss cycle works, hopefully that will give you a better idea what I'm looking for. But ignore the boss / tentacle graphics as they are placeholders (sprite rip). If you are able to do something that matches rest of the game that would be great.
I'll see what I can do about it, do you have a full size screenshot of the game?
This is just a sketch I made quickly but do you think a style like this will work?
Yeah the style looks good. I see that you are taking inspiration from the placeholder octopus, I should have said that I prefer it to be frontal view of the octopus. Similar to this:
And the color of it I would prefer pinkish/purpleish. I'm impressed how fast you work. Great job so far!
try these:
Nice! I'll put them in the game later tonight and see how they look. Meanwhile, under which name would you like to be credited? Is it "Spring"?
that would be fine yes ^^
I've added the graphics to the game, they look good, thanks a lot! I've also added you to the credits of the game. Really appriciate your speed and quality of your work.
I'm honored!