Creating a Megaman Clone. (Not a fan game) Looking for sprite artists.

Creating a Megaman Clone. (Not a fan game) Looking for sprite artists.

I am creating my own original game that will be similar to Megaman. I am in need of sprite artists, tileset artists, sound engineer, and concept artists. If you can help in anyway please respond back to this.


Lets talk about the pay. There will be  no pay until the game is selling. Just make sure when you create something you copyright it and put a price on it, so when the game is selling I will pay you for it.

Currently we are a team of 2.
1.Programmer (me)
2. Sprite Artist FrozenFlame

We are currently working on finishing the current sprites of our main character. To prevent stealing I will not show anything that will be in the actual game.

Here is a video of the engine im making the game on.…