DISMAL DIMENSIONS (Action platformer) -- Work in progress
DISMAL DIMENSIONS (Action platformer) -- Work in progress
Saturday, April 28, 2018 - 02:11
Hi all.
I would like to share some screenshots of a game I've been working on (using Gamemaker)
Edit: embed.
The graphics look great!
Did you draw those?
Spring, thanks! Yes, I drew those graphics. Sprites, tiles and backgrounds.
Nice! Is there a storyline?
Yes. But isnt too elaborate. Storyline is purposely left open ended:
Here's what I have in the opening screen:
"Mysterious forces from another dimension have laid waste to your world. Your cities fell to the endless waves of hostiles pouring in from portals. Most of your comrades were killed. Others became possessed and absorbed into the ranks of the enemy. You have somehow survived everything so far, but its only a matter of time before your luck runs out. As you retreat and scramble for cover, thoughts race through your mind: "Who are they? Why are they doing this? What do they want from us? What do I do?". All those questions might be answered if you can make it to the secret fortress where others like you are regrouping and preparing to launch a counter attack!"
Hmm, reminds me of Doom's story.
Hmmm. Its similar in that it involves monsters from another dimension and possessed soldiers. But, now that you mentioned it, I'll probably tweak the storyline a bit.
But otherwise, the game is set in an alternate universe that has medivial architecture and hi-technology.
Just wanted to share a video of my gameplay footage
Sorry for bad recording and sound! Will upload a better version next time.
The game reminds me of Turrican, as you say the sound is extremely wierd though.
is there somewhere i can play it?
Is that the plot of the new (2016) Doom? Cause the one I grew up on was about opening a portal to hell and unleashing the demons therein.
game looks good! Seems like you are off to a great start!
Hey. I just thought I'd share some gifs from my upcoming game!
Jump booster + enemy soldiers!
Miniboss AI test!
Explosive death animations!
Some basic cannon fodder enemies!
I'm trying to complete a playable demo by the end of this month. In the mean time, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the images I have posted! :D
Hi all. I just thought I'd share some new gifs!
Contra-styled orb shields that deflect enemy projectiles!
No platformer is complete without moving platforms!