Free sound effects for game developers
Free sound effects for game developers
Saturday, June 4, 2022 - 04:19
Free sound effects for game developers : The free sound packs that can be downloaded contain several hundred sounds, for a total of about 3 GB. All SFX are available for download and can be used in commercial projects.
Don't forget to download the free 1GB sound pack available on the Bluezone Corporation homepage!
Browse the free sounds list : Free sound effects
i downloaded some of your company's free sounds. very good and professional quality stuff. unfortunately your license isn't suitable for using to create free-culture works. but for indie devs who are just looking for good free audio they can use in their games, and don't care about being able to release their derivatives into the commons, this is a very useful set of sounds.
I agree with Ragnar opinion, but for me it`s only activated trough MPC-HC and VlC Media Players(good work), can`t work over old .wav player for 96 KHz/PCM .