I need some math to spread my values apart
I need some math to spread my values apart
Have you ever played Banjo-Kazooie, Super Mario 64, or similar games? Notice how the amounts of notes/jiggies/stars needed keep increasing across worlds? Good. I need a formulae that allows me to input the total number of world-opening pickups, worlds, and allows the first world to start at one or two. It should spread the amount needed for each world, increasing in a semi-linear fashion. I know I could use something similar to how Pokemon Exp. is caclulated and add from all the levels, but I'd have to try several different formulas. If ther is a better way, I'd like to hear it. This formulae will be either enterd into python or GDScript.
Goal = the amount of "currency" you need to unlock the next work
Base = total "currency" in each given world
N = World/Goal number
World = each game map
Adjustment = penalties and/or bonuses (can be linear, geometric, random, or unlocked via game play)
Set your menu/login screen to World(0) and hardcode Goal(0) = 0. That means you automatically "unlock" the first world. Subsequent worlds are "unlocked" as follows
And so on
Hope that helps!