Looking for people to make a good R.P.G. with
Looking for people to make a good R.P.G. with
Hello I am Matthew and I want to create a good R.P.G. that smarter people will enjoy and is worth playing (not total crap).
I have been working on designs, concepts, art, note books full of this kind of work with stacks of drawings and random pieces of design and theme work here and there and that is only the physical work! I have archives and archives of work from nearly half a decade now of everything I can work on with passion; pushing onward towards a great R.P.G. of some sort. I do not know why I do this day after day, month after month and year after year but I just simply have to. I have this invisible weight upon my character that haunts myself so that it cannot be shaken nor yield to mediocrity; to stand still and do nothing is to anguish within myself worse than the failing over and over for 36 hours.
Anyway I am getting to the point where I am reaching the end of what I can do alone and cannot progress much further without looking for help. So I figured to ask here to shake the community tree and see if any apples fall out; ring the bell and see if anyone is there behind the desk. *Proceeds to violently shake the tree* C'mon people to work with I am going nuts here! *Shakes the tree harder with squirrels and random assortment of woodland critters flying out in every-direction with great fan-fare from cartoon swirls of dust-clouds* AAAHHHH!!!
Oh I almost forgot I can be found at mattwow3@gmail with also some high quality Baldur's Gate content here: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/55349/within-amnesias-items-work-i... . Also one can find a minority of my work at https://withinamnesia.deviantart.com/gallery/ also one can join the R.P.G. Team Discord via https://discord.gg/FJTzv26 . I have produced a video were I peer into the soul of my world AGABAL (wrought upon my last day of the 21st year ^.^) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edSGN6Gi8fM.
P.S. Also I should state after looking around on this thread and realizing that no one really uses the Flare engine that the Unity (2D and later 3D) engine would better to move forward with even if from scratch. This is more a thread to find people to start building an R.P.G. than most anything else. I have a great deal of design work ready and waiting for digital fabrication and if you want more details and are curious about my work behind the scenes please feel free to ask myself in Discord or via mattwow3@gmail.com.
Note: I do not publish the best of my design work for a reason; I have worked many years and over many projects both big and small and I do not wish for others without myself to reap the benefits of my works of passion. If I had worked on designs and content that was of little value I would not care about it being stolen. Although I have taken great efforts to produce the most robust designs and core mechanics and lores in my work to the point where I do not wish to take chances. I have real investment in the development of this project and I will not be 'taken for a ride'. With that said I would love to work with the community and I greatly enjoy working with a like-minded group passionate about medieval fantasy.
@WithinAmnesia What's the tileset that you used here?
It's purdy.
@Emcee Flesher Oh that is the RPG Maker MV tileset, I was making a Video Game with RPG Maker MV until it became unreasonably complex to expand the game play features to where I wanted them to be. I was effectively turning a tricycle into a helicopter so I killed my use of the RPG Maker series all together as a video game making tool. I inside relegated it's use for interim ~'concept building aid' / it can make rough around world maps pretty efficiently for exploring bigger scale ideas. So that is the basic story behind that world concept map and its tileset.
Be advised that one should not try to use RPG Maker series assets for the company / owners of the RPG Maker Series do not have open source licenses. Also if I recalled correctly, people get in legal trouble by the owners of the RPG Maker series / ~'Enterbrain' for I think if a person uses the RPG Maker Assets outside of video games made with the RPG Maker series engine. I think this is so that a person cannot just take all of the art assets from the RPG Maker series and use a different (open source / free) engine and sell that game without paying a sort of fee / royalty given to the owners of the RPG Maker series as if they would have if the video game was made with the RPG Maker engine.
I don't like it and I think the RPG Maker series kind of needs to either die or step up the plate and use their money to get to at least action combat like even 1986 The Legend of Zelda for example. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1096900/RPG_Maker_MZ/ Don't buy this, the community makes better mods and the developers don't care to improve their engine. All of these new 'features' are mostly reskins of free mods for their last version of RPG Maker. For example they could make a 3D engine but they are a bunch of lazy people who do not use their money to offer a competitive product to their customers: I did this with free mods before MZ even released (before I killed it for it was just not good enough even though it could beat out thousands of crappy shovel ware RPG Maker Games (another reason to avoid the bad RPG Maker engine reputation for your video game), I killed it for I can do better): https://youtu.be/r2Bw3xeV1Po?t=221