Looking for people to make a good R.P.G. with
Looking for people to make a good R.P.G. with
Hello I am Matthew and I want to create a good R.P.G. that smarter people will enjoy and is worth playing (not total crap).
I have been working on designs, concepts, art, note books full of this kind of work with stacks of drawings and random pieces of design and theme work here and there and that is only the physical work! I have archives and archives of work from nearly half a decade now of everything I can work on with passion; pushing onward towards a great R.P.G. of some sort. I do not know why I do this day after day, month after month and year after year but I just simply have to. I have this invisible weight upon my character that haunts myself so that it cannot be shaken nor yield to mediocrity; to stand still and do nothing is to anguish within myself worse than the failing over and over for 36 hours.
Anyway I am getting to the point where I am reaching the end of what I can do alone and cannot progress much further without looking for help. So I figured to ask here to shake the community tree and see if any apples fall out; ring the bell and see if anyone is there behind the desk. *Proceeds to violently shake the tree* C'mon people to work with I am going nuts here! *Shakes the tree harder with squirrels and random assortment of woodland critters flying out in every-direction with great fan-fare from cartoon swirls of dust-clouds* AAAHHHH!!!
Oh I almost forgot I can be found at mattwow3@gmail with also some high quality Baldur's Gate content here: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/55349/within-amnesias-items-work-i... . Also one can find a minority of my work at https://withinamnesia.deviantart.com/gallery/ also one can join the R.P.G. Team Discord via https://discord.gg/FJTzv26 . I have produced a video were I peer into the soul of my world AGABAL (wrought upon my last day of the 21st year ^.^) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edSGN6Gi8fM.
P.S. Also I should state after looking around on this thread and realizing that no one really uses the Flare engine that the Unity (2D and later 3D) engine would better to move forward with even if from scratch. This is more a thread to find people to start building an R.P.G. than most anything else. I have a great deal of design work ready and waiting for digital fabrication and if you want more details and are curious about my work behind the scenes please feel free to ask myself in Discord or via mattwow3@gmail.com.
Note: I do not publish the best of my design work for a reason; I have worked many years and over many projects both big and small and I do not wish for others without myself to reap the benefits of my works of passion. If I had worked on designs and content that was of little value I would not care about it being stolen. Although I have taken great efforts to produce the most robust designs and core mechanics and lores in my work to the point where I do not wish to take chances. I have real investment in the development of this project and I will not be 'taken for a ride'. With that said I would love to work with the community and I greatly enjoy working with a like-minded group passionate about medieval fantasy.
Are you planning to use the FLARE engine?
--Medicine Storm
What do you need people for? And how large is this project?
Sorry for the delayed comments, the power littery cut out as I was getting to send you guys a message (it is back on as you can see xP).
Edit: R.P.G. project has moved to Unity 2D.
Yeah I wish to use the FLARE engine although if anyone wants to use RPG Maker MV or Unity or what have you I would be open to that, but for now I suppose the FLARE engine.I am looking for a way to implement and brainstorm a whole archive of game design blueprints and ideas (from years of work on different games and projects I've worked on) into a worth while R.P.G. that can stand strong with good design and themes.I am really active on Discord (on all the time when I'm on my computer). Discord is really handy to get a bunch of people together and talk out ideas and brainstorm in general; easy for teamwork.
I am looking for anyone who wants to make a really high quality R.P.G. (nothing crazy just worth playing and you could see your friends recommending it type of thing). I am strong with design, story writing (super history and super mythology) and some traditional art (pencil, select platforms of digital 2D art) and a bit of 3D work. I tend to find solutions where there are none conventionally. So picture a jack of all trades and a master of some (I bloody well have to be starting out on your own; I have no choice! This ain't no AAA studio nor Blizzard Art Team xD).
I am looking for scripters / coders (kind of like digital engineers I suppose). Those roles are needed although I am looking for anyone who wants to make a solid R.P.G. regardless of role; if you can add quality and passion to the project then that is great! There are so few people who really want to do these kinds of projects with passion so I have no choice but to consider anyone who has an interest in this.
The project is not huge nor massive but think of Diablo 1 or Baldur's Gate 1998 (with less voice acting and AAA photoshop). I can make 3D and photo-realistic item icons (think Diablo 1+2 and the original Baldur's Gate) and I have acquired a HUGE professional sound effect library from the mid 1990's (the kind that came in a huge box of 20 cd's and cost 5 grand). I have definite skills and I can do a lot. Rome was not built in a day and moreover nor was it built by one set of hands xD!
I can feel the passion you've got for your game! Sadly it seems like way too ambitious of a project for me to be of any help, sorry to disappoint you. :P
I'm just not good enough for what you want, sadly.
Especially if you want the Flare engine. The only thing where I am an experienced coder is with Game Maker.
Which is not as bad of a program as they say.
I was testing the YoYo Game Maker Engine but I ran into issues where the engine had no 'close' templates where I was very happy with day one nor day seven. There are a few R.P.G. template examples like YoYo R.P.G. that do many things right yet leave a lot desired I found anyway. I started using R.P.G. Maker MV and that was fine for what it can achieve with a bit of plugins although still the game is a bit lacking in combat and some areas I threw out because I felt they offered no real 'meat'. Such as major examples where I threw out the entire broken combat system and combat stats (what were they thinking!?) and the anime face system in a more rooted R.P.G. like Diablo and Baldur's Gate.
I am no good at scripting / coding ('digital engineering') for FLARE myself and I would really require assistance therein although I see the value and potiential of the FLARE engine if only that first mountian can be climbed.
Will it be like Skyrim in 3D and stuff?
Well, I did not claim that Game Maker was a good engine for RPG's, because it ceratinly isn't, I was only saying it was the only engine where I myself had experience.
But I coded my "template" from scratch.
But to be honest, I can't say I'm very excited for making a clone of a Blizzard game, I actually kinda hate Blizzard, just for how massively overrated they are.
Or have become, I mean I liked Blizzard before they got too big for their boots and mega cocky... they're so full of themselves now.
If I had the resources I would do many games within my universe (introduction vidoe coming shortly) and at least one would be like Skyrim and one such as World of Warcraft (Vanilla). I was using an engine like Dark Souls / Assassin's Creed in Unity with real 3D hit detection but it was too resource intensive for a limited resource pool. I am aimming towards a 2D semi-isometric game or ideally what would go after my own heart a 2.5D isometric game that can be as Diablo 1 and 2 and Baldur's Gate 1998. Furthmore the later in my dreams with a more 'focused' approach on hitting the core values of quality verses inflating the price of the work flow to a halt; ambitious yet resourceful!
I drew this sword: http://www.wowhead.com/item=118080/admiral-taylors-greatsword and I gave it to a friend of mine of whom had a bit of artist's block; I found it one day on wowhead about a year after the fact. I had an older dream which was painted in the wrong colour palette of my heart where I pined to work for the likes of Bioware and Blizzard. Yet once I got my foot in the door I found myself walking away with one step away from what may might call 'success'; yet my heart must be free.
I want to make a game akin to Baldur's Gate but much more in soul. Well I have produced an issue to others around myself of whom their disconnect haunts me so in life. It is where I cannot fit into a 'box of labels' very well and my R.P.G. projects are the same for they are of my own heart and body of passions from my true character. The quickest one can explain my medival fantasty universe setting is that it is a hybrid of mythology, shaped form the experience of great games of the genre and something new altogether in composition.
I was to work on another Blizzard project with World of Warcraft but I left the team for they were too 'stayed' with the ideas of everyone else but themselves. Unable to be deeply creative they were and my heart pushing myself to new horizons. I must always press onward to where ever my dreams and passions flow. For better or for worse I cannot be without my core that yearns for this world of my open creation.
I have made a video for the people whom strike and interest in forging an R.P.G. of quality and of passion (the engines and plaforms are secondary in my odyssey towards this dream. Here is a slighlt glimpse in passing about where I have centered myself in the soul of the world of medieval fantasy that I have named AGABAL, The Burning Emerald! I have just 'now' produced a video where I peer into the soul of my world AGABAL (wrought upon my last day of the 21st year ^.^) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edSGN6Gi8fM
What you write is so complicated man, it's hard to figure out what you actually want :P
I'm definitely no master at english here... and it's hard to even figure out who you are replying to :P
Ah my writing is a bit too poetic / has too much verbosity (wordiness) I suppose.
I tend to go off on tangents of inflated vocabulary every now and then.
Eh watch the youtube video to get a better idea of what I am after with this game project. I wish to create a soild game and I hope to use the FLARE engine although it may not work out with it having too many moving parts / it is too complex to work with when dealing with a bunch of loosely connected people. What do you do eh? I have already used about 7-8 game engines to try and get a solid game engine to host the R.P.G. I am after. I figured to ask here in that I love the FLARE engine but it requires the opposite of my skill set to work. So if the community is willing to work on the project then there might be a way to make the FLARE engine work better after all xD. Although I am no stranger to disappointment and the likely scenario is that I will have to keep working with R.P.G. Maker MV and throwing Plugins at the engine until it works in '7/10' fashion regarding game mechanics. Then in that case the FLARE engine is not even used so eh. Success from Failure. Fail, fail, fail, fail, fail and keep failing until all the out-comes are exhausted and there is nothing left but success.
Well, first of all. Holy crap, dude!
Great, now that's outta the way, I watched your video and checked out your deviant page. To put it lightly, you are very creative and talented. You've got quite a lot going on, but it's pretty overwhelming. It comes across that way to me, probably anyone you'd work with and probably moreso to yourself. So, I would like to throw out a few suggestions your way in hopes that it might help.
Firstly: Thinking small IS thinking big. I highly suggest taking fragments of your world, mythos, story-line etc and making a smaller game, based around a small portion of that. If you took that approach, you'd get a sense of workflow, integration, execution, distribution etc. It could lead to the start of a franchise. I mean, elderscrolls has been going on in parts for like... EVER! So, laser-beam that focus on something plausible.
Secondly: Choosing your engine. This is very important. You'd obviously need to have this more or less set in stone before the project begins. I have dabbled in many engines. I can tell you right now, in the long run, rpg maker is probably not a good idea(this is all just my opinion). It was the first one I ever tried and while it is great for prototyping, I found that I was constantly fighting the stock code. Screen resolutions, buffering, camera dynamics, controller support, platform support, debugging, (I can go on for a while) were unnecessarily a big uphill battle. Maybe it's just me, but I like things like shaders and non-fps based timing. To go a step further (and this is just my opinion, again) the market is pretty flooded with rpgmaker based games and they're pretty easy to spot. I have, by way of trial and error, narrowed my choices to Gamemaker and Unity. I considered a few others (eg. superpowers) but if you go commercial, the smaller ones can't guarantee client-side fixes and there is proof by many big time devs that both unity and GM have stepped in here.
If you were going to go with rpgmaker-esque graphics, I highly recommend using GM. And if you do, make your own code from scratch, and try to avoid using built in physics(I recommend the same in unity with 2d games). I bought a GM:S bundle and got a few things from their asset store, Yoyo RPG being one of them. I didn't mess with it long before finding that it would need a whole lot of work before I found it acceptable(they didn't even limit walking speed when moving diagonally iirc), but it wouldn't be worth it because it's not even my code. Templates are good for learning how things are done and some ways of approaching them, but it's good practice to do things how you would do it from the start because only you think like you.
Unity is a no brainer for 3d and has a huge resource of support and supports... Like all third party softwares. I mean, there's unreal, which is free to use and free to distribute and has a thriving community and it is probably better than unity(I friggan loved it!) but if you want to go commercial, they'll be pinching from you before your distribution platform (eg steam, google play, apple app store etc) pinches their 33ish%. I dunno. Something to consider.
And lastly: This kinda ties back into the first but the worst thing you can do is NOT finish a game. I don't remember where I heard that, honestly, but golly it rings true. So, I recommend you write down a list of goals you'd like your audience to complete in 6 to 8 hours of game play. Click out the backbones of level sections (as you did in rpgmaker) in something more universal (like tiled or photoshop) and scribble in foot notes of what is to be accomplished in each section etc. Having something more than an idea will more likely reel people in than just ideas. Prototypes, even crappy ones, are good hooks. I (and many others, I'm sure) have jumped at helping random internet people to get a project off the ground but it almost always ends with them or everyone involved losing interest. Then, there's that one dedicated person left with pieces of some patch-work game and has to walk home in the rain.
I should mention that I'm no expert or anything but I've messed up enough to know what doesn't work. I like everything you have and I think it could lead to a great lore-laced, sequential game.
The challenge I have with a lop-sided skill set is that I feel as a healer in a holy trinity based dungeon crawler where I need people in a group to chug through the guts of an area while I work great in synergy with everyone else and likewise. (Most people quit but you can always multibox ;P)
I have a bunch of prototypes of a whole bunch of games but the issue is that there are too many them and as you said not finishing something is horrid. I am not great at the creation / fabrication of scripts and code; like a bird playing thumb war. I have become a person with a skill set of salvaging bits and pieces from failures (mine and eveyone else's O.O) until I get some type of monster stiched together from past failures and teams that did not pull through both my teams and others. Money and success cures all doubts and puts the winds back in the sails of most people I have also witnessed; perhaps even to a self destructive amount with AAA studios.
So I do not really have a roadmap on where I should travel myself to find people. I wish did though; then I would not be here though eh? Rather I know where they are not found and what I have not been doing correct; aiming a bit higher in standards of engine / platform and finding a working work flow haha. The Unity forums are hit and miss, kind of like Mc game design xD! 999/1000 Players in a player base forum are no good and deviantart is like a circus filled with broken clowns. I need to specialize to focus the limited resource pool I have. I agree but I feel as a tank without a healer or a healer without a tank and I just ran out of single player content and it is time to form a group (LFG again) xD!
Also I just cannot stand still so I end up creating these horrid monsters of prototypes like a child in the kitchen trying to cook and bake everything yet alien to the er, 'finer points' of cooking and baking. Also I have this weight upon myself that I do not know why it is there but it just is. Invisible but it just gives a slighly imploding metaphysical sensation when I do nothing for too long. So I end up throwing myself into the wrong end of my talent and strengths and yet I end up learning a bit of everything through how not to do it xP.
So the order of the day for myself is make a good R.P.G. and I have no idea how to get a good working team together (I can get bad one together really easy though xD!). I know I have to start finding people and make a stubborn effort about this for I am eatting up the other areas where I do fine but the road is running out and I need to shift lanes. Yeah the car will crash but it can be repaired and I will get there eventually xP. I have no idea as to what is a good method on how to locate these people to fill in my lopsided skill set so I endded up here (and other locations) at this loose end of myself in the past once again starting a prototype and failing at it full throttle lol xD. All of my failures are like, that full throttle and 100% driven (and 9/10 probably explodeded in a fire ball) but eh gotta break a few eggs to make an omlett!
So eh yeah I really should write a book and be an artist and a physical engineer but those things are too, eh not 'easy' but limited (plus the Trump car is that I love video game design the most). So I end up ramming myself into scenarios that I end up strong-arming with the wrong tools (hammering a nail with a screwdriver type of thing) and I have all of these wrecks of projects but wrecks are better than nothing and I would rather fail and get a wreck than do nothing. I was like this in school P.E. I had a lopsided ability set and in sports I would find creative ways to strong arm the wrong strength to into a success. Yet once I get going into my strengths I am a machine haha! Although right now I am hammering nails with a screwdriver! C'mon *shakes the tree* Where are you hiding people!?! *shakes the tree even more* AHH!!!
Most of the people are not in your tree. They are at their own tree, shaking it violently. Would you be willing to join a different project already under way?
--Medicine Storm
Is the game supposed to be open source? If so I would not recommend proprietary engines, since they do not allow open source products.
Ah Medicine Storm I am not shaking my tree nor one person's nor a group of people's tree but I am shaking the tree of life. A metaphorical rise to challenge life's adversity if you will.
To Duion: I simply want to create a solid R.P.G. that is worth playing. I have a strong sense of direction for the project but I am not here to dictate to anyone who wants to help how this project will get built. I wish to be open and courteous to all who want to help and if there are valid strong suggestions I have little choice but to follow them. The opposite of listening to strong rooted advice is a path of self-inflicted blight and destruction.
I must listen to my talented peers herein to get this project moving forward; I have no choice but to be open to the will of the people. If the project is to be open sourced so be it; I simply want to work with a group of helpful people not against them. Although I do wish to have a group focus on the project and communicate well with the people working on the project to avoid a splinted force of content creators; I now the value of group unity.
I do not believe in 'hoarding resouces' although I cannot and will not be used and abused as a person; you cannot help and be strong for others if you cannot help and be strong for yourself. All I ask is that if we are to work openly is that we have to hold meetings and feel out what everyone wants and desires and ask why we feel this way. The majority of people are very talented and have so much untapped potiental and we can do much together if we work with each other not past each other.
I do have a very strong passion for this project and I do not know what exact shape it will take when all is said and done. I am always open to adapting and moving forward into the unknown when it is needed of myself. All that I wish is to create an experience at the end of the day that will resonate within people and gameplay that speaks for itself; a game world that will demand to be played.
As VinnNo.0 has pointed out: A prototype is needed to act as a lightning rod of proof of concept. I do not wish to perpetually talk to people, to always sell people ideas of what I can see clearly in my mind's eye and show them nothing to grasp for their own imagination; I am no snake oil salesman! Yet rather I wish to give to the community an example for themselves to see the seeds of potiential and decided within themselves to walk past or to help build something worth playing. I have to to resurrect the FLARE engine folder I suppose now. I have no choice for I see that there might be interest here and this project may move forward together as one.
Why don't you make it full 3D? The most complicated part will be the programming anyway.
In that case, your metaphors seem inconsistent:
Shaking a tree to see who falls out; people who may want to join your project. I was saying 'No one is falling out to help you make your game, because they are busy looking for people to help them make their own game.'
Would you be willing to join a different project already under way?
--Medicine Storm
To Durion: Well you can but a 2D-2.5D engine saves resources. A true 3D games needs a lot more art assets than a 2D-2.5D game; I figured to start small first.
To MedicineStorm: Your quotes regarding yourself are not quoting anything of what you previously said in this thread. There is nuance lost I suppose in text communication about my allusion to shaking trees. Will you sign this contract for the house? Will you follow me to another country? Will you come with me in my car? Will you eat this food and take this pill? If you want yes or no answers you may have asked the wrong questions. The medium is the message. Now with that briefly said what is this different project that you speak of MedicineStorm?
To everyone: I have another video being uploaded today about the direction that I wish to head in with the Flare engine. An open expression of what I am up to with the project. Where I stand and where I want to go in short.
I wasn't quoting me, I was quoting you. Your tree metaphor seemed like a search for human resources.
I wasn't really speaking of any specific project. I just figured there are so many existing projects out there that it may be effective to join one of those instead.
--Medicine Storm
It will not save resources, you will likely spend more resources compared to a simple 3D style.
To Durion: True, although for a realistic 3D style (not cartoon) there are pros and cons with Isometric view.
So let me guess, you have never done any game design yet and are still in the "planning" phase?!
No Duion, if I was still in the planning phase this thread would not exist. This is a recruitment thread. These kinds of R.P.G. projects require more people to move forward at a reasonable pace. Sure I can take 6 years to make a half baked game like most anti-social people on the web who do these kinds of projects but that is not ideal (there are many examples of these half-baked projects). I would be dumb as a door knob if I published my archives of design and 'planning' work without a proper game behind it. Think of it Duion, would you publish your work that has taken years to develop over many games and projects both large and small only for it to stolen by random companies across the web? I am looking for people to help create and who have strong digital fabrication talents. This may or may not work but be afraid not of failure but rather of doing nothing. Great games are made by great people; Rome was not built in a day nor was it built by one set of hands.
If the game is supposed to be open source, which I assume, since you write on opengameart, then you will have to publish it all anyway.
If you do not have a prototype you are still in the planning or "idea" phase, as you have nothing substantial yet.
And as an experience game developer I can give you pretty good time estimates how long certain things take in production. For example a simple prototype would take me 2-3 months, but only for the art, like one set of assets and a larger game world of lets say 16km².
Programming on the other hand can take very long, in 2-3 month you may be able to program one feature only and you may need around 10 in total. But for prototype level with the most basic mechanics you may get the full game prototype done in a few months as well, if you are a good programmer.
Hello im new here and id like to help you. Bin working on games for big copanies for about 7 years. And now i want to do it with out them. Im a 2d 3d artist im a 2d 3d animator to environment and prop designer. Aiso im a concept artist. sorry im not a code writer i went down different road..
Id be happy to help you in eney way i can
Well Duion you are correct today for the earlier working prototype(s) were scrapped just yesterday and we decided to properly move to Unity even though we had to start over. Unity has a lot of potiential so we felt it better to do the switch now and save effort later than to inevitably do the crossover half way down the pipeline. Although like you said it will take sometime to build up to a proper prototype once again.
The game was refocused to 2D top down view (think Legend of Zelda 1986) for the first run to set some roots down. The idea is to feel things through with iteration and seeing what is practical to carry over to the new prototype and what should be new to add. A test run of the series to test and prototype the ideas if you will.
So technically we are in the building phase yet from a wholistic stand point the project today right now is closer to the design and idea phase because the first prototype(s) were just scrapped and work has just begun on Unity. Yet it is moving forward and I am excited to see where it leads!
Okay legzy yeah if you desire to help make a solid R.P.G. I should not turn down your offer. Hop on Discord at https://discord.gg/pt8tsu and we can get up to speed and see what you want to do. If you have a microphone that would be great for communication for it is much easier talk back in forth but if not that is okay too.
Unity is a proprietary engine, so your game will be proprietary as well?!
Also Discord is proprietary software as well.
You Duion are just complaining and nit picking now while adding very little substance; I wonder if you are a frustrated person looking for a vent and have a bone to pick? I am not here to act like child and argue over every detail. The general focus is looking for people. I am looking for people short and simple. In the spirit of open developement yes but I am not going to throw away progress because it does not fit into an arbitrary classification / 'box' that other people define for myself. Look if you are not interested that is fine but don't ruin projects of other people out of spite or other emotions. I am looking for people to help build a R.P.G. project; not people to build vapid arguements.
Is this going to be open source or not? Do you know what open source means? "Open development" does not mean anything, espcially since you contradicted yourself already, by not giving away anything.
This is not nitpicking these are some of the most major concerns.
I'm pretty unclear on a lot of what is being said, but the FOSS status isn't one of those things. It seems obvious to me WithinAmnesia saying "It could be, but if that means tossing out viable engines, then no it won't be Open Source. To Be Determined."
Duion, are you saying if it isn't an Open Source project, you aren't interested in participating?
--Medicine Storm
I'm not interested anyway by now and the not open source factor is a major point, but there are also others.
"Idea guy" people are usually a red flag in game development, I came across so many of them, they usually do not get anything done.
@WithinAmnesia, I have no skills pertaining to the arts, but I do have a deep interest in game engine architecture and am interested in the programming side of RPGs. If you provide a URL to the code repository, I may be interested in joining your project to work on the code.... but, that would depend on the state of your code base, as well as the programming language, 3rd party APIs and code convention.
@Paul Wortmann I am getting the coders into their first meeting on Discord right now. The idea is to build a core to the game in Unity from the ground up although first I want everyone to be on the same page (the scale is aimed toward a game akin to The Legend of Zelda 1986). You can find the Discord link here if you want to talk with myself and the coders: https://discord.gg/FJTzv26
Is the game going to be open source now or not?
--Medicine Storm
Yes and I am just asking for the license.
I have already answered that the game is not 100% open source but it is basically a hybrid in how the game is developed. The project is open to the team's input and I try to listen to everyone as much as I can. Two men walking abreast see more than two men walking in line with one in front of the other. I want the project succeed very much so and I do not want to take risks. With that being said I wish to empower people who seek to create these kinds of games that are worth playing.
It is either yes or no, and "not 100% open source" usually means just "no".
i think this post sadly should be removed because all i see is argueing. plz pm each other for details, dont argue on posts, post are supposed to help :D
Ninja Dog
i wish you sucess on your game btw i dont mean to sound horrible :)
Ninja Dog
Ninja Dog please don't kill the thread because some people are negative. This thread has done a lot of good for my team project and most people who join do so in Discord and via my email (which are listed in the original post). So because you see only negativity here does not mean there is no positivity elsewhere. The people who find issue with my project argue in these forums and do not join and help in Discord. Sorry for the lopsided show of public opinion herein but that is just how the cookie crumbles I suppose.
Wow, a lot has happened since 2017! The Flare Engine and Flare Game Patch 1.13 is nearly stable / finalized for a complete release. Flare Engine and Flare Game Patch 1.14 is hopefully on the way. Flare gamepad support is vastly optimized and improved. Flare with enlarged x 4 the graphical resolution / pixel density / visual display game presentation detail has a working prototype for all major PC operating systems. Windows has a no legacy memory issues with a new Windows 64-bit executable and 18.4 exabytes of usable RAM over the previous 4.2 gigabytes of usable RAM with the 32-bit executable of the legacy Flare Engine.
Justin Jacobs a.k.a Dorkster has been a Titan in empowering the Flare Engine. Also hopefully in pushing the capabilities of the Flare Engine into a being able to make video games that can with dignity and reason last well past the 2020's and beyond in terms of the gameplay quality of experience being able to stand the test of time. I hope that the Flare Engine can become a creative forge of future Classic Action Role Playing Games for this decade and subsequent decades thereafter. For the entire world creative community, rich or poor to thereby be creatively empowered.
There are new possibilities for gameplay and world exploration thanks to new art assets such as new animations and tilesets. In which I played my smart part as well in at least with creating dual wielding animations and adding navigable / climbable natural looking slopes to the Flare Game related art assets content. I hope that more and more people can enjoy the Flare Engine and the Flare Game. I hope that the creative community can find ways to keep making more cool games with the Flare Engine.
I hope people can eventually mature and properly grow their video games development interests and passions into potentially commercially viable video games. So as to probably reward and grow the work of the video game authors. Also to increase the high quality gameplay experience offered herein to the Open Game Art community and the creative community across the world.
I have hope that this community can grow larger and with more creative power. I hope that more creative people can see the potential with the Flare Engine and the related Flare Game to be empowered with to make great games worth playing. I see that currently there is a path ahead that can lead to great games made with the Flare Engine and related assets and components that can potentially change the world of video games as we know them. One person matters, anyone can improve the world so long as they keep fighting for what they believe in and listen to their heart of hearts and with their dreams and passions becoming unyielding.
With this belief and hope in the power of humanity across the world I feel confidence in that if the Flare Engine gets so creatively empowering that it can change the creative landscape of the world. In that anyone rich or poor can make a great game and become commercially viable in their dream to become a video game developer with full creative freedom and power. Then all that one needs is the passion to dream big, aim high and fight hard; become unyielding! I wonder what is to come for the creative community of Flare?