Looking for programmer to join my youtube team and make games or game addons.

Looking for programmer to join my youtube team and make games or game addons.

      Hello, this might be in the incorrect place, but regardless I'm looking for someone who might consider joining a youtube team where there job is purely to create original games or game addons and a website. Most of it may be coded as i expect. Please note the following before considering:

I'm of the age of fourteen and therefore will not pay nor be as well experienced as an older person would be.

I've not yet got the materials to record and therefore the youtube channel is not yet created but work doesn't have to wait for the channel. 

With this knoweledge I hope you will consider the roll of a friendly, positive programmer. Email me at ugawesomeguy@gmail.com or reply within this topic, to ask further questions. 


P.S. I'm also looking for Coders, Artists, Musicians, and anyone of these sorts to all join teh youtube team which will be created soon!