Looking to make 16x16 sprite sheets
Looking to make 16x16 sprite sheets
Monday, June 8, 2020 - 16:21
Hi, I am looking to make a new sprite sheet for a 2D rpg game for basic environments like tree boarders and water. Water and monster sprite.
I posted some examples for the monster sprites I am looking to have made if anyone is interested then private message me.
That looks fantastic! But I have to ask- It says 16x16 in the title but those sprites clearly aren't by those dimensions. Could you please help my slow brain understand? I very much aspire to that quality of detail and would like to also know the size that you make sprites in. Many thanks, - Brayden.
There will have to be a tile set made. These are 16x16 or 32x32 in most retro style games.
Have you looked at this set yet? It's pretty big and generic enough to match a lot of different artists.
>Tyrantcomics: Of course! Thanks for your reply :)