lpc assets how to reshare

lpc assets how to reshare

hi new to the site. got bored and decided i wanted to explore game development. anyways i downloaded a bunch of the lpc assets and i have been trying to make some houses so i came up with this one so far. 

i used assets from

https://opengameart.org/content/stone-home-exterior-tileset (roots)

https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-windows-doors (bluecarrot16)




i scaled them up to 64x64 tiles 

edited and combined the stone sides from the stone home and combined it with the ships wood

added a lattus to some of the windows (possibly recoloured) 


how do i go about the share alike? do  i just create a new png of the edited windows/ship wood?

i have attached the home i built as well as the .xcf

also does that style of house look ok? im not sure really how to do top down or pixel art 

house.png house.png 127.9 Kb [10 download(s)]
house.xcf house.xcf 945 Kb [7 download(s)]