Mouse driven vs keyboard driven movement in rpgs
Mouse driven vs keyboard driven movement in rpgs
Do you prefer mouse driven or keyboard driven movement in role playing games? Do you have a preference? I know a lot of games just use the keypad and then just use the mouse to look around, and other games don't really use the keypad arrows for anything.
My preference:
for any first person mode game, (fps, rpg, doesnt matter)
WS fwd and back
AD strafe left & right
mouse for what direction you are facing.
and an optional left and right arrow to turn left/turn right, for when you dont want to us ethe mouse for whatever reason
Mouse/keyboard layout of champions!
mandatory mouse option: toggle mouse-y axis.
if I'm playing a game that doesnt let me toggle y axis on the mouse, I just won't play it (Assuming its not defaulting to how I like it)
Inboxninja's layout sounds pretty good for 1st person.
For 3rd person overhead, I actually like both keyboard and/or mouse. WSAD for movement north, south, west, and east respectively... or clicking the mouse to tell my character where to go. Having either option available is nice if you can swing it. Setting keycode constants for keyboard movement is also a huge bonus since it allows you to easily make the movement keys player-customizable if they don't like WSAD or the num-pad.
--Medicine Storm