My Zombie Pal - Halloween Special 2015
My Zombie Pal - Halloween Special 2015
My Zombie Pal is just what it says, you have a Zombie Pal! This means lots of responsibilty! Take good care of it, this Zombie ain't gonna feed itself!!
Also, make sure you earn lots of candy so that can afford to take care of your zombie by playing awesome and addictive mini-games!!! Did I mention the secrets? Shhh!!
My Zombie Pal Credits:
CruzR - Lasers
LordNeo - Hats
Emerald - Masks
Jerom - Pawns of the Hallow Graphics
Vicplay - Grass & Graveyard Tileset
Stafford McIntyre - UFO Sprites
PancInteractive & - Food Item Sprites
Chupup Games - Decoratable Pumpkin
Kwaji Shindo - Candy Road Graphics
bevouliin - Limbo Monsters & Backgrounds
irmirx - Zombie and Traps Sprites
TearOfTheStar - Throwable Pumpkins
YoYoGames - Catapult, Slab and Block sprites
Iron Star Media - GUI Graphics
Rawdanitsu - Comic Speech Graphic
Rekuiem - My Zombie Pal Theme
E6 - My Zombie Pal In-Game
Pugly - Pumpkin Decorate Theme
Whirlguy - Limbo Theme
Jordan Trudgett (tgfcoder) - Alien Invasion Theme
PhatBoiJ - Alien Invasion In-Game
axtoncrolley - Pumpkin Throw Menu Theme
MalTheDestroyer - Pumpkin Throw In-Game
lemon42 - Pawns of the Hallow Theme
Aran Koning (AllergicRaccoon) - Pawns of the Hallow In-Game
Trevor Lentz - Pawns of the Hallow Boss Theme
Snabisch - Candy Road Theme
3kliksphilip - Candy Road In-Game
Mark McCorkle - Pawns of the Hallow SFX
ViRiX - Global UI SFX
bart - Candy Road SFX