Orake play now
Orake play now
Orake is an open world game were you'll strive to be the best! Embark on quests, explore secret rooms, unleash your rage Attack's against your opponets, and much more.
- Enter the "Boneyard" and prepare for a gruelling fight! (the Boneyard is a deadly player-verus-player zone with single too multi way combat).
- Play mini-games like capture the flag!
- Train to become the very best! (12 skills as of now).
- Embark on dangerous adventure and defeat bosses of amazing size.
- Solve puzzles.
- Explore the world of Orake with friends.
Looking to play a game with some friends??
In Orake you can party up with your friends or make a clan. You can play Capture the flag, engage in clan fights, boss fights, explore caves, and much more!
Whats a Rage Bar??
A Rage bar is used to use your rage attacks. Every weapon has it's own rage attack, find the best one to kill your opponents!
Orake is still in early development, if you find any bug contact us through our website (steam, or indiedb).
Download on Indiedb to play the game!
Play now!
Download: http://www.indiedb.com/games/orake/downloads/httpsdldropboxcomskg61frrqy...