Plane Inferno a 3D Logic Game

Plane Inferno a 3D Logic Game

Level Example

I am just a solo developer trying to create my first logic game.

The game target is to drive a sphare to a flame both appling a pulse force using the mouse and moving the ground of the level.
The game engine used is jMonkeyEngine.

Here available a standalone DEMO of the game:

Linux X64

Win X64

Mac X64

This post have the double porpouse to share my work and to thank you all the contrubutors so,
if you are in the list below feel free to send me a PM and I will share the link to the most recent version of the game! 

Let me thank you :)


Netted-Jar,Clint Bellanger,,CC-BY 3.0,

Gravestones,rogerdv,,CC-BY-SA 3.0,

Spiked Dungeon Door,bobjh,,CC-BY 4.0,

Wood Texture Tiles,JCW,,CC0,https://creativec...


Deep thought,Gunnaras,,CC-BY 4.0,

Blood red health bar,qubodup,,CC BY 3.0,

Effects Texture,rubberduck,

Fire Circle FX,Matriax,,CC0,http://creativecommon...

Mouse,Ben Fleming,,CC0...



3d Pirate Coin,Acasas,,CC BY 3.0,

Teleporter Circle,Clint Bellanger,,CC-BY 3.0,

Space Background,Code32,,CC0,https://creativec...

Mechanical Sounds,BMacZero,,CC0,https://creativeco...

Mystical Enigmatic,Cleyton Kauffman,,CC BY-SA 3.0,

Death Is Just Another Path,Otto Halmén,,CC BY 3.0,

Sci-fi shwop 1,Arthur,,CC-BY-SA 3.0,

Fire Whip Hit (Yo Frankie!),Blender Foundation,,CC BY 3.0,

Crash Collision,qubodup,,CC0,https://creativecomm...

Big Explosion,Blender Foundation,,CC BY 3.0,

WGS Sound FX - Explosion 1,WrathGames Studio,,CC BY 3.0,

Falling Rock,spookymodem,,CC0,https://crea...

Magic Appear ,quedicemipez,,CC0,https://cre...

planeinferno.png planeinferno.png 702.5 Kb [1 download(s)]