Project Defense. Using art from this site
Project Defense. Using art from this site
Hi eberybody. As the final project of my career I choosed to do a videogame. I found this AMAZING site by chance and asked some of you if I could use your animations, sounds or musics (I may forgot to ask somebody, sorry for that).
So here it is, it isn't finished yet but you can see what I'm trying to do with it. All the credits are in the "Creditos" option of the main menú (if I forgot something please tell me and I'll fix it).
Sorry, but its all in spanish. Anyway, thanks to all of the people of this site for the amazing stuff. The music is simply great, the animations are really cool and it even has sound effects! Without this site the game would have an horrible look.
I don't have much time now, but I'll translate the instructions for you whenever I can.
Again, thanks
PS: sorry for the bad english exige que todo el arte publicado ahí sea libre para su uso y distribución, bajo ciertas condiciones. Puedes revisar las licencias especificas en un recuadro a la izquierda de la pantalla en la pagina de cada pieza.
Se te agradecería enormemente si cuando termines tu proyecto publicaras el código de tu juego bajo una licencia GPL u otra licencia aceptada por la FREE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION.
En la descarga del juego se incluye el codigo del mismo, asi como una copia de la licencia GPL.
Desde el principio ha sido un proyecto de software libre. Si he cometido algun error respecto al uso del material de o la licencia GPL, por favor hazmelo saber y lo corregiré de inmediato.
Every piece of art, music, etc. on this site has a list of licenses on the left side of the screen. I'm guessing that your project is not commercial so you could probably use anything from this site. If you're not sure about the licenses then just make sure you credit everyone as some licenses require a credit or a link back.