$12256 / $11500
i am working on remixing and expanding https://opengameart.org/content/zoria-tileset which is cc-by 4.0 and i wanna use withthelove's expanded anims of sharm's tiny16 from https://opengameart.org/content/tiny-16-expanded-character-sprites to help me animate the zoria chars.
i think oga-by 3.0 can be upgraded to cc-by 4.0, so my derivs can be cc-by 4.0 right? or am i mucking that up.
This situation is essentially identical to the one discussed here: https://opengameart.org/forumtopic/remixing-by-30-and-by-40
Ordinarily, the common license would be CC-BY-SA 4.0, but in this case, all authors (evert, sharm, withthelove, and DragonDePlatino) agreed to make those two assets available under later versions of the same license (OGA-BY 3.0 -> OGA-BY 4.0 -> CC-BY 4.0) so yes; derivatives can be licensed under CC-BY 4.0
--Medicine Storm
ok good to know
it turns out https://opengameart.org/content/zelda-like-tilesets-and-sprites animations are much more stylistically compatible with zoria. and it is cc0 so my deriv can inherit zoria's license