RPG Demo
RPG Demo
Hey guys, new member here but long-time lurker. :)
I've started an RPG demo which is using the public-domain basic character sprite that I got from here. Other artwork comes from the Construct 2 asset pack. This first test level is a desert level. Use the WASD keys to move. Two spells: left-click for offensive "erupt" spell, right-click for teleport spell. Mana is regenerated at 1 point per second.
I'd really love to work with some pixel artists to flesh this out into a full project. I've been a programmer for a long time but not a great artist at all. ;)
Anyway, here's the link: http://10b.us/rpgdemo
Let me know what you think! Thanks!
Ah, sorry, forgot the screenie. Here's one that shows off the particle effect on the spells.