Search cannot find recent art

Search cannot find recent art

DezrasDragons's picture

Something seems wrong with the search function on OGA, and I can't use it to find newer art. For instance, piacenti recently uploaded a 3D model titled "Cyborg Wheeler", which is tagged with "cyborg". I would expect that if I typed "cyborg" into the search bar, it would come up, but it doesn't!

This is just one example. Searching for "crate" does not turn up "A smple crate", searching for "chess" does not find "Chess Pawn", searching for "skull" does not find "Human Skull" and others.

It's not just 3D art either, "mermaid" cannot find "mermaid", "smoke" does not find "Smoke particle assets". I'm sure other art types also suffer from this.

In fact, out of every piece of art less than 1 year old that I randomly tried to find, I could not find it through a search.

When I search for general things like "rpg", "sword", "tree", or "platformer" I only find art which is over a year old, even though I know there are more recent submissions.

This is only using "search" - browsing by tag is able to find anything. Why does search not work for new art?