September 2020 Art Challenge - Hobbies
September 2020 Art Challenge - Hobbies
It's time for the September 2020 Art Challenge!
This months's theme is:
Chasersgaming suggested this month's theme. For a lot of us on OGA video games are our main hobby but they're certainly not the only one. Pick a hobby you have and make something to share on OGA out of it. Could be something you like to do, like fishing, or dancing, or cooking, or making paper airplanes, or fixing up old cars, or quilting. Or it could be things you might collect like yarn balls, stamps, comic books, or rare and imported pogs. Whatever it is, make it into some art to share on OGA. Maybe a song to listen to while you do a puzzle or the sounds of needles clinking, a comic book or wood burned font, anything that relates to a hobby you have. If you haven't a hobby of your own, borrow one from someone else. :)
The submission with the most favorites by close-of-vote wins!
Challenge and voting starts Tuesday September 1, 2020.
Have all your entries submitted by end of the day on Monday, September 21st, 2020.
Voting closes one week after that at 11:59 PM Monday, September 28th.
That's three weeks to submit and 1 week to vote.
You may start working on a submission as soon as you like.
There is no rule against starting or even finishing a submission in advance.
Just don't submit anything to OGA until the submission period officially begins.
You can 'favorite' as soon as you see a submission you like, no need to wait for anything.
Be sure to tag your submissions with both a "Challenge" and "Hobbies" tag.
Also, post a link to your submission in this thread as well.
Here is mine, I wish more people would participate this time!
I only just finished my project for July's challenge! But I am going to get started on something for this right away, and try to do a better job controlling the scope this time... :)
I just made a little something for the art challenge. It may sound weird, but I like just making seamless 2D backgrounds in my spare time. I recently made this new set.
Here's my submission! My chosen hobby is gardening.
Here I am at the buzzer with mine!
@withthelove: your submission isn't showing in the tag search.
--Medicine Storm
oops, forgot to add those tags, thanks for the catch! :)
I don't know if it's ok or not, but I made another one for this challenge. Is it only one submission by person?
Heck no. As many as you can make. Only one of them can win, though. Also, all of them should be submitted before the deadline, which has already passed for this challenge. If it's something you already submitted (within the challenge submission timeframe) it should be fine, though. Just add the tags to it.
--Medicine Storm
Ok, that's cool!
Forgot to mention: Congratulations Name By Another Rose!
Thanks to all paticipants. Medals awarded.
--Medicine Storm