Hello all and a big thank you for this website that enabled me to do my very first game :) I used art from the following people (if I believe the attribution file that came with the spritesheet) but if you recognize your art in the game please let me know so I can use you to the list: Lanea Zimmerman, Daniel Eddeland, Casper Nilson, Daniel Armstrong, and Tuomo Untinen.
The game: Mr Chocolate lives alone in his house. He never goes out, slowly loses his memory, and he is so lonely that he took the habit of talking to objects... But something is happening in this house! Explore with him what is disturbing his peaceful retreat and why something is trying to force him out.
Apart from the main character which I draw myself and a few additional sprites (they are easy to spot because they look like crap :D ) it is all coming from this website.
You can find the game here: https://formosafalanster.itch.io/the-house-of-mr-chocolate
Have fun :)