Trouble in Libreland

Trouble in Libreland


I will be positing the progress of our game for LPC, Trouble in Libreland, in this thread.


General Info

It's a hybrid game that inherits from RTS and RPG. We're focusing on realistic combat management and story. In verry essence, there will be a town called Libreland and player is the mayor of the town. Wildlings will be attacking to town and protecting the town is the objective of the game. Soldiers will be able to equip items that are crafted by Artisans. Both Artisans and Sodliers will be chosen among the citizens by players respected to their stats. Each profession has specific stats which is more beneficial than the other stats. Finally, citizens will supply the resource to upgrade Soldiers and Artisans by paying taxes which may effect their happiness.



Technical Info

We are developing the game with Gorgon Game Engine using C++.

here is Sourceforge link of game if anyone is interested.


Team Members

We're joining the competition from Eastern Mediterranean University.



Cem Kalyoncu (project leader)

Kintantee (Cengiz Kandemir)

larukedi (Eser Özvataf)


Content Design

marsbrumarth(Onur Başara)

Onur Köylü


Story & Script

retf (Erdem Koyuncu)



07 / 13  / 2012

-We have 12 editors . So far, we've finished programming all but Map Editor and we're close to finishing it. 

Next: We're planning to finish Map Editor today and jump into rendering. Hopefuly, we will release a demo in few days.


07/ 14 / 2012

-Map editor can now edit objects on the map as well. 

Next: Tile render, instance classes for Tiles and Maps


07 / 15 / 2012

-Map Editor is finished. It still requires some work but we have other priorities and current state of it is enough for us to create maps.

-Tile drawing is finished with scroll function.

 Next: Object drawing(requires some work on mechanics side),  zoom function. We still need some work on mechanics to release a demo.


Here are various screenshots of editors:

Map Editor:





Animation Importer:



Tile Editor: