uploaded tar.gz archives not downloadable
uploaded tar.gz archives not downloadable
for me my uploaded tar.gz archives are not downloadable (i knew about that problem but i forgot it)
please test if you can download these archives here
at the moment you can download or view most of these textures (not the metal textures), but only by clicking on the preview of this textures.
the download of these archives fail for me and the archives with the metal archives have the ending .tar_0-gz and these don't appear under browse >> textures.
i hope that an admin can open these archives and repair or re-upload these archives. else i have to replace each one.
These work just fine. Right click and select "save target as" for some web browsers to download things that do not display properly for your particular browser.
i tested it with an other computer, they work except for the metal ones,
but i better replace them if others have the same problem
edit: i replaced them now and tested the archives, they work
but the metal textures don't appear under > browse >> textures, because the archives i had before did not work when uploaded here.