Weekly Challenge: Reborn (due Jan. 15th)
Weekly Challenge: Reborn (due Jan. 15th)
I was tired of people saying we should do it and it not happening. I figure I'll try starting it back up again. If someone official wants to do it, if there are other volunteers, or if the community as a consensus wants to do something specific, I'll gladly step aside temporarily or permanently. In the meantime though I'll try to do thius semi-regularly and see how it goes. I'm planning to contribute something myself as a personal challenge but can't compete if anyone else joins in. We'll get at least one submission out of it anyway.
Date above is not exactly a week from tonight. I figured we'd make sure to end on a Sunday to encourage last minute submissions. I also think strict adherence to the weekly schedule might result in burnout and be counterproductive, so I gave it a little extra. Hey, I'm new to this.
No prizes. The competition badges would have to be given by a moderator if one does it.
Please post submission to regular art page but tag it (at end) Challenge and Reborn. Other tags based upon your submission are encouraged. Once you have a page you can post here if you want to let us know about it. General discussion of the concept goes here too. Talking about challenges in general should still go in the other recent thread.
And I swear I'll eventually talk less....
The title of the recent thread and images of Baby New Year dancing in my head drummed up the first theme...
Make a piece of game artwork (defined any which way you can) that goes along with the theme of babies, newly born creatures (or ideas or objects if you can think of how), reincarnation, putting baby in the corner, a music piece that sounds appropriate (lullaby? childlike anyway), a literal baby with rattle and bottle... or however you interpret the theme. Have it on its own, with accessories, making an attack (?!?!) or what have you. Or think up some game idea and make something that helps it along.
We'll see what happens....
Yay! Thanks for taking the initiative.
If I can,I'll give the badges to the participants and winners once the challenge concludes. Though I don't know how winners were decided back in the day.--Medicine Storm
Huh, what a weird coincidence. I've been unable to sleep since around the time you posted this. I'll take that as a sign, and will be working on something to submit for this. I'm glad you took the initiative to start off these challenges again!
@MedicineStorm: If I'm not mistaken, it was decided by the number of favorites.
edit: It really was by favorites, see: http://opengameart.org/content/friday-challenge-apr-9-2010-touch-nature
oh... that is a remarkably simple and straightforward method for determining a winner. Thanks, farrer.
--Medicine Storm
Awesome initiative dannorder! Will start sketching on some ideas right away. Feeling hyped!
How do we'd post again? On a thread page? Or submit as usual?
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
I'll try to find any new submissions with the tags "Challenge" and "Reborn" but linking to your challenge entry here on this thread is recommended.
--Medicine Storm
I added my promised submission:
Baby Bounce NES - http://opengameart.org/content/baby-bounce-nes
Silly, I know, but it was mostly from scratch (I think I reused a heart from an earlier submission) and made to advertise this challenge.
Now let's see what you come up with!
Here is my art... ^_^
Hi folks, here's my contribution.
I'm happy with it as a proof of concept, but I think if it were to ever be used for what it's intended, it would have to be much larger.
My entry for the challange. :)
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
Good job on the entries, really fun to see the results! :)
Here is mine: http://opengameart.org/content/resurrection-spell-sfx
So-- I hadn't planned on doing this, except that I was actually needing baby sprites for the game I'm making, which is a huge coincidence. Anyhow, here's my entry! Liberated Pixel Cup baby sprites!
Edit: updated the picture. The side view bothered me.
Thanks for starting this @dannorder,.
can I ask who gets to choose the art theme each time? Are we going to vote on that, or are the submitters/developers taken it in turns, or are you more than happy to keep choosing the theme?
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
Love seeing the result so far. There's a little bit of a mix on theme.
There's still time yet to get more official entires for anyone still working on it.
@chasersgaming: For right now I have no problem with picking themes. I figure we can do that for right now to get the thing going. I can do it a little while for sure, maybe longer. We'll see.
Voting for themes is not really my favorite. I know Ludum Dare and some others make that a huge part of the process, but I don't think that works real well at the end and just wastes a lot of time for most people. Ideas are welcome, and old threads are good inspiration.
I have no problem with anything the community decides to do, though.
Made this. Not happy with it, as I didn't get everything I wanted to get done due to time constraints, but hopefully someone can find a use for this little guy!
We're winding down and will be past the deadline very soon. I'm giving it a bit for it to still be Jan. 15th in all time zones. The counting of favorites and declaring a winner will come after that. I figure we have to give that a few days to be fair to any last second entries, if there are any. Keep in mind I know the theme ahead of time and advertise more than participate, so my entries will never count unless someone else is hosting it and I don't know the theme.
The current plan is to announce the new theme this week after the first winner is declared and then set the week of Jan. 22nd to the 28th for the entry period for the second challenge. It kind of becomes staggered that way and gives a little extra time to think about the theme before doing it.
may I suggest that for themes, rather than voting, we have a separate thread for potential theme ideas?
Then, as dannorder was the one to relight the fire on this, let him choose a theme. If he can't think of one, then he can choose one from the list in a theme idea thread. This could be passed onto another mod if/when dannorder wants a break.
edit: also, just to further clarify, would this be a challenge every other week?
Just a note-- Sanglorian didn't post his second entry here, but I think it's an entry if the tags are any indication: http://opengameart.org/content/tuxemon-babies-chibi
Thanks for looking out for me, Eliza! I used those tags so people checking out the contest would see my contribution, but I don't think it's really fair for me to enter as my work is so closely based on yours.
Go for it. I don't mind. :) I'm neck-deep in The Last Score dev, so any challenges I participate in will be for that first and contests second.
Historically, voting polls (via favorites) would close one week after the submission deadline, so I'm assuming I'll be tallying the favorites as of the end of the day Sunday the 22nd?
@Sanglorian: I saw your submission even before ElizaWy linked to it. You're in the contest. No takebacks! :P
A NOTE ON TAGS: The tags on OGA don't really link to twitter. Using hashmarks on tags actually makes them more difficult to find. Searching for Challenge and Reborn will exclude results tagged #Challenge and #Reborn. I'm checking both, so it's all good. Just FYI.
Find your favorite submission and slam that Favorite button, everyone! If you like more than one, Favorite them both... or all... Favorite all the ones you like! :)
--Medicine Storm
Just chiming in with my two cents, I agree with foz, a sticky forum thread for theme suggestions and let whom ever is running the challenge set the theme, either from the suggestions or something of their own. Voting on a theme just seems like an extra layer of busy work.
Agree, voting for a theme is pointless and just tedious messing around, a thread with suggestions for the host to pick from is much better.
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
@MedicineStorm: If the last time around we took a week as the end period for votes they probably had a good a reason. Might as well do it this time too.
Since I give a little time to think about the challenge before it starts I guess there's no reason not to set it off soon. That way we can announce the winner the same time submissions start for the next one.
And looks like everyone's on the same page for theme selection, so that's set too.
I'll have the new thread up when it's ready to go.
If it's 2 art challenges a month and 1 programming challenge a month and they are to relate, should the two art themes be related somehow? For a really cheesy example 'Life' and 'Death' and then the programming challenge is 'Life and Death'.
I don't know if having the art themes be related would be a great idea-- it'd lock you into a duality, whereas two unrelated things would be more open to interpretation.
I really think that for the time being the coding challenge has to accept graphics from all over the site just to have a large enough set. That gives whoever does the coding challenge more flexibility in their themes too. (Is someone doing that? Am I doing that? I've used itch.io for personal projects and could learn to use the others, but I don't want to bite off more than I can chew.)
Though it's a possibility. They wouldn't necessarily have to be a duality, but the trick would be to make theme related (or relatable, which isn't quite the same thing) but not repetitive. Might even give me some themes by thinking about how it could work, theoretically. Hrmmm.
PreciousRoy says he would do the jam, but he's not spoken yet on the other thread, I did post on that thread too, but I'm going to say it here as well I case it got missed, I'm all up for a comp, but should we consider other users that upload here that arn't taking part in the comp, arn't we going to saturate the " latest art" feed with art from the comps? That may annoy some that use the site, just think it should be something to think about.
is 2 every month to much?
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
I don't think we have to worry about a conflict of themes too much: the challenge is to use the graphics from the different art challenges, and for any art gaps, pull them from only OGA.
True, there might be an artistic conflict (hd backgrounds vs 1 bit 8x8 sprites), but combining them is part of the challenge :)
I'm sure that doing the coding challenges will highlight areas where we (as in OGA assets) might be lacking - and thus go on the list of future challenges! ^_^
You make a valid point about potentially saturating the latest art, however as we have only 1 art challenge done, let's review that in a few weeks - it may be okay, and it may be not, and if it is being saturated, then we could discuss solutions then.
Winner: One Man Army!
Congratulations and thanks to all who participated!
--Medicine Storm
Wow, thanks everyone! Really appreciate the love that you guys have given me and my art in the few weeks I have been posting on OGA. It's was a fun challenge, look forward to see what will happen in the next one! :)
Congrats to One Man Army and everyone who contributed!
well done @OneManArmy! great work!
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |