what is the name of this projection
what is the name of this projection
Tuesday, December 23, 2014 - 10:17
Can anyone tell me what kind of projection this is. Is it custom or is there a specific name for it? It looks like the squares get smaller the further they go back. (i realize its one point perspective).
Axonometric, but that cover just about all isometric projection.
I would call it 3/4 top down view or board game view.
thanks I get confused with all the projections.
That's most certainly not an axonometric projection. Axonometric projections are parrallel projections whereas this clearly has a vanishing point.
This is just looks to be a standard perspective projection. If you asking what to call the viewing angle then I would probably use "overhead view" or "bird's-eye view".
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Thanks Surt. I thought maybe I could do this view in 2d but because it has perspective then doing it in 3d and changing it from ortho to perspective view seems to be the easier route. I dont think you could do this view in 2d and still make the perspective sizes of the items on the board look correct and be the correct size. At least knowing a little bit about what the stuff is called it makes it easier to research it more.
You could still render it with 2D techniques, just fugde the perspective a bit.
If the board is always viewed from the same fixed viewing angle then you can easily prerender it.
The pieces on the board could be prerendered at a single fixed viewing angle and just scale sprite size and position to fit the board, though won't be perspective-correct will be close enough to look fine (I'm pretty sure this is what the example image is doing).
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.